"Nice we should eat there sometime." Suggested my dad.

"Well I don't know the name or where it's at but yeah ok then we can go one day."

"Well let's eat." Said my dad smiling at me.

"David come eat mijo." Called my mom as she heated up some tortillas on the stove.

After dinner I called Jose.

"Hello?" A tired Jose answered.

"Hey babe!" I replied happily

"What's up beautiful."

I blushed right when I heard beautiful, I'm still not use to the idea of a guy calling me beautiful.

"Well I finally told my parents about our relationship and they want you to come to our house tomorrow and we're going to have a bbq so yeah."

At first he stayed silent. "Babe?" I asked wondering if he enjoyed the idea or if he was even on the phone still.

"Mmmmm well okay I'll go after my business okay." He said.

"Ok then see you tomorrow babe." I said as I hanged up.

Then next day we spent the whole morning getting ready for the bbq.

I helped my mom make tons of food like rice,beans and a bomb salsa, and my dad fixed everything outside to make the day perfect.

"It's 3:00 mija where is Jose?" My dad asked.

"Don't worry dad he texted me saying he was on his way."

5 minutes passed and I got a text from Jose saying "I'm outside :)"

I take a deep breath and call everyone outside "everyone Jose is here!"

I go outside and see Jose next to a white Chevy Silverado, he looked at me and smiled.

I walked up to him and said "hey babe are you ready to meet my parents?"

"Well yeah but I am just a bit nervous" he replied as he hugged me.

We walked in and found my parents and David waiting in front of the door, once they saw Jose they looked kind of shocked.

I forgot to mention that Jose dresses like cholo and has tattoos, okay I didn't forget I just knew they wouldn't allow it.

"Mom, dad, David this is Jose Guzman my boyfriend." I said as I put my hand on jose's shoulder.

"Ummmm nice to meet you Jose I am Eduardo Sanchez, Mia's father and this is my wife Esmeralda and our son David."

"Hello mr and mrs. Sanchez and David." Said Jose in a very shy tone.

I have never seen Jose this shy before but I really like it and I don't know why, I guess it just shows that he can be bad boy that gets shy.

We all went towards the backyard, my dad started grilling the carne asada while Jose sat on the picnic table with David.

I walked back into the kitchen to help my mom with the food.

My mom pulled me closer to me and said "well he seems like a really nice young man."

"He is mom trust me."

"Mia why didn't you tell me he dresses like a wannabe gangster and has tattoos!" Asked my dad as he came in the kitchen.

I looked over and saw the grin on his face "well dad he isn't that's just the style here trust me." I replied.

He sighed and said "well if you say so mija just don't do anything you are not suppose to okay!"

"I won't dad."

We all ate and my family got to know Jose a little more.

David and Jose actually hit it off really good, Jose told David he could take him to the park sometime to play soccer and show him some moves.

It was 8:00 when Jose decided to leave, I walked him out to his car.

"My parents really liked you babe." I said

"Really you think so?"

"Yes babe. I love you Jose Guzman!"

"And I love you Mia Sanchez!" He said as he looked into my eyes and I looked into his eyes and we eventually kissed until I heard a voice behind us.

"Wtf Mia? What are you doing with this foo?"

I turned around as quick as I could and found Andres looking at me furious!

"Andres I'm sorry I didn't want you guys to" I began but was cut off by Andres.

"Nah I told you to stay away from him!" He yelled.

"Don't you fucken talk to my girl like that okay!" Yelled Jose.

"Your girl? So your not just messing with him but your dating? Why are you even hanging out with us? Are you trying to rat us out to MS13? Wow and I thought I could have a chance with you but no your pathetic!" Said Andres

"Andres please let me explain! I'm in love with Jose!" I shouted.

"And I'm in love with you or I thought I was but its okay go with this foo! I don't give a fuck about you anymore!" Said Andres as he walked away.

"That's right you little bitch walk away!" Yelled Jose.

"Jose please don't talk to Andres like that!" I asked him.

Jose's face expression changed into a not so pleasant one.

"Oh so now your going to defend him?? Did you not hear what he told you?" He said in anger.

"Yes but he was just hurt that I lied to him and well he was my friend." I said in a sad tone pushing my bangs out of my face.

"You know what I'll talk to you when I feel like it right now I have business to take care of and well yeah see you later Mia." He said as he got into his truck a drove away.

I was sad at the fact that now my friends hate me and so does my boyfriend.

I walked in and my parents were sitting on the couch watching Sabado Gigante.

"What was all that yelling?" Asked my dad.

"Oh the yelling." I began to get nervous "well it was just the neighbors that got into another fight again."

"That Garcia couple are always fighting." Said my mom shaking her head.

"Well I'm going to sleep already. Goodnight sweet dreams." I said as I walked into my room.

All I could think of is what happened tonight with Andres and Jose.

"Wait!" I said "what was Andres doing near my house?"

He must have come for something, maybe he was going to talk to me or something.

Who knows maybe Andres is in love with me.

~~~~~authors note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry I know I haven't really made my book that exciting but I promise you that I will try my best to make it exciting or even enjoyable to read. Please feel free to give me ideas or feedback :) I would like to hear from my readers! Thank you for reading my story even though it's not that good lol sorry again I'm trying to make it sound good :) and I'll try to spice it up in the next chapters lol.
- 97chinita22

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