Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

Once Pete had calmed down we all got seated in the car and began the drive to the church.

Once we arrived me and Pete stood on the left and Andy and Joe stood on the right and we all lifted her coffin and began to walk into the church with tears spilling down all of our faces. As we walked in I saw people laughing and smiling and talking about the latest fashion. Its a funeral have some dignity and respect. I understand that different people deal with bad news differently but talk about the latest fashion in a more appropriate time and place.

We placed Graces coffin down and took our seats at the front of the church.

"Could I have everyone's attention please." Pete and Graces mother said. Once she knew she had everyone's attention she began her speech.

"We are all gathered here sadly to mourn the loss of such a wonderful girl. She was the best daughter that anyone could ask for. Her and her brother thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. Although they argued they always made up straight after. She was a good kid and I guess the only reason she had to go was because heaven needed another angel and Grace was exactly what they needed. I miss you darling." Mrs Wentz said before stepping down from the podium.

Pete stood up and walked over to the podium and began his speech about his sister.

"I remember when me and Grace would play together when we were younger. We would make dens and hide in them. Whenever she had nightmares she would always snuggle up to me and she would fall asleep the rest of the night undisturbed by her nightmares. She has been so strong throughout her life and this has just helped prove to us how brave she is. She always put others first for example, on her last day she walked around the hospital and a young girl with leukemia approached her and began to explain how that it was her last day and that her father died from leukemia when the young girl and her brother were younger and although Grace was burdened with such a heavy load on her shoulders she decided that her last wish was that she could set up a charity that help under 18's get the help and support and one last wish before cancer claims another victim and so I'm going to make her wish a reality so I'm setting up a charity in memory of Grace and it will be called 'Graces Last Wish'. Despite her illness my sister always found a way to be happy. She found reason to still smile even when the pain was corrupting her body. She is an inspirational human being. I am so glad to be able to say that someone that kind was related to me. She was born into this world a fighter and she sure as hell left this world a fighter. There are so many words that could describe my little sister, funny, intelligent, selfless, understanding, inspirational, caring, kind and so many more. She was such an amazing girl and I loved her so much and still do love her. I will make sure she leaves a great legacy. Everyday I wish I could have her back in this world. I always think back to the amazing times we had. I just wish I could hold her in my arms again and tell her I love her again. Even though she is gone I under that she is in a better place, a place where she feels no pain and can live freely without up a disease holding her back. She's free. She is in heaven looking down on all of us smiling. Her iconic smile still beaming from her face and it will never leave. The tattoo she had couldn't have been any more truthful. The tattoo was a quote from her favourite film 'The Fault In Our Stars'. The tattoo read 'That's the thing about pain it demands to be felt' and it just sums up everything she has been through and I don't think I could have put it better myself. Grace will be forever in our hearts. She may be gone but she will not be forgotten." Pete said tears now flooding from his eyes. He stepped down from the podium and sat next to me. I handed him a tissue and he calmed himself down. Me and the guys were able to see Grace before we had to carry her coffin to be buried. Pete walked over first and kissed her forehead Andy and Joe did the same and when it was my turn I kissed her cold lips for the last time. We closed her coffin and stood on the same sides as we did before. We carried Grace outside to her grave and placed her coffin on the ropes. Me and the guys held a rope each. We waited for everyone to gather around before we lowered Grace into her grave. Once we had finished everyone had a 2 minute silence to remember Grace. They then left after that and it was then left with us. We looked at her Gravestone which read:
Gone but never forgotten. Here lies Grace Hazel Wentz. Aged 31. 1984 - 2015.

We all threw a rose onto her coffin and we made the way to the car that would drive us home.

Grace may have gone but I still have my three best friends and Grace will always be with us just in our hearts which is almost as good as being here in real life. At least she is happy and healthy. At least she is free.

-The End-

Hi guys. Thank you so much for reading this book. Sadly it has come to an end but there will be an epilogue after this. Comment whether you want a happy or sad one or both and if I get no comments then I will decide. Thanks for sticking with this book even when it was at a rough point. Stay awesome.

- FallOutGirl19 -

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