I headed into the office to get my schedule.

"Hi im chloe Mattews Im new here"

I said to the secretary at the front desk as I waited for her to gather some papers I couldn't help but notice the fresh scent of lavenderd. 

"thats a nice perfume you have" I said to the lady.

"why thank you its new" she said smiling at me.

I got  the strange feeling that some one was watching me I looked around but no one else was around.

"I need you to fill these out and then your councilor will be with you." the secretary said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"k thanks" I said getting the papers from her and taking a seat the smell was gone.

After filling everything out I went to return the forms on my way someone bumped into me.

"I'm...sorry" I said but the person didn't bother to stop or even look at me. I

"okay?" that was rude I thought and continued to the desk. The lavender scent was stronger this time maybe she sprayed more.

When everything was finally done I left and headed to my assinged locker to put my stuff away.

I joined the rest of the pack members as they stood together it was normal for a pack to always be around each other and not really be with anyone else.

Ana and Lauren were together I couldn't help at notice how cute they looked together. Ana had her arms around her mate like she was protecting her. Looking around most of the pack had a mate but at least I wasn't the only one without.

Laurens eyes caught mine and I quickly looked away after she got upset yesterday I tried not to give her another reason to hate me.

After we ate yesterday Ana came and apologized for Lauren.

I understood where she was coming from though so I wasn't really upset about it.

When I asked why Lauren was so strong Ana told me she was an alpha.

Hearing that scared the crap out of me I had slept with the Alphas Luna there was nothing worse than that. If she ever tried to kill me I wouldn't stand a chance against her.

Once again I had that strange feeling of someone watching me aswell as the smell.

I was about to look around when the bell rang making me forget about it and head to my first class.

At the end of school I got in my forest green jeep and headed to the pack house.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched in lunch aswell.

Only every time I looked around I found no one.

I figured It was just me being paranoid being the new girl in school.


School sucked all I had was guys hit on me Im not saying I wasnt intrested I just didn't have the time. I saw the girl from the office I didn't have her for any classes but then again I didn't make it to my first class.

The school made me go check into the nurse to make sure she was aware of my condition.

I couldn't help but stare at her she was prettier than when I first saw her of course that was only from the back of her head.

My mom finally pulled up in her black SUV to where I had been waiting on a stone bench.

I got my stuff and got inside the car.

"how was school sweetheart?" she asked as I put on my seatbelt.

"it was okay" I said starring out the window.

"just, okay that's it?" I could see her turning to look at me but I didn't bother saying anything.

"okay well anyways your father and I our going to go on patrol to look around and wanted to know if you wanted to tag along."

It would be my first patrol since my training.

"of course I want to go" I said excitedly.

"Great we go after dinner on one condition" she said raising a finger.

"and whats that" I asked raising and eyebrow.

"You tell me whent your tired and reached your limit you got it?" of course it had to do with that.

"okay mom I promise" it would be the only way I could go.

I exited the car as soon as we pulled up to out house and started on my homework.

Chapter 3 hope you like nothing happens so far but just wait till next chapter thanks for reading.


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