troublesome twosome

Start from the beginning

America and Pietro cheer, both speeding away upstairs to get their swimming stuff on.

I stare at the stairs for a while, my brain working at a million miles an hour. I still had no idea how Pietro was here, and neither did he. Obviously we are both extremely glad for this second chance, but I'm so confused.

The only person that would maybe know is Agatha. But I wasn't sure that I wanted to go and see her yet. She did try to take all my powers before I locked her in Westview as Agnes.

Her words however kept running through my brain. "You have no idea what you've unleashed. You're gonna need me."

I don't have any idea what she meant, but so far nothing has come to find me, so I don't see what I could have done.

I still kept an eye on the White Vision who was always flying around different places, some with emotional meaning, and some with none. He hasn't yet gone to Scotland, and I wasn't going to confront him until he did.

I try to distract my mind by cleaning up the dishes as I anxiously glance outside, where my brother and daughter were splashing around in the pool.

I had actually taught America how to swim once she saw a pool on a sitcom and wanted to learn, so I made us one in the backyard with my magic and taught her how to swim.

(1 week before Pietro)

"Mama, I don't know if I want to do this anymore..."

America and I were standing a bit away from the edge of the pool, with her looking at at sceptically, while clutching my arm tightly.

"You'll be fine, princessa. I'll be here to hold you the whole time." I assure her, gently encouraging her forward.

Once we were at the end of the shallow end, I sit down on the side of the pool so just my feet were in the water.

"Sit like this so you can get the feel of the water." I tell her, remembering how Nat and Clint had taught me to swim after I admitted that I couldn't and have never tried.

America slowly sits down next to me, dipping her feet in the warm water.

She giggles at the sensation, kicking her legs back and forth.

"Okay, ready to try getting in?" I ask, lowering myself into the water that only came up to my waist.

I stand in front of America, outstretching my hands to catch her.

"It's quite deep..." America admits nervously, glancing at the depth of the pool.

I shake my head. "You will be able to touch the ground, I promise."

America takes a deep breath, but slowly leans forward and starts lowering herself into my awaiting arms.

I'm quick to hold her under the armpits and help her lower herself into the water.

"Good job!" I praise, holding the small brunette on my hip under the water.

America giggles, moving her hands about in the water. "It's like a big bathtub!"

"That's exactly what it's like." I smile at the girl, gently setting her down so she could see for herself that she could stand.

The water comes up to America's chest, but she can still easily breathe without having to tread water.

I make sure to keep hold of her hands to reassure her.

"There you go!" I encourage, watching as America gathers her bearings.

"You ready to try floating?" I ask, remembering what was the first thing that I was taught to do.

"Okay..." America nods nervously.

"You're just gonna lay on your back and keep your body on the top of the water by pushing your belly up." I explain. "I'll be holding you the entire time."

America gives me another nod, and I help her get into position, making sure to keep my hand on her back, helping her back stay up on the surface.

The first few times we do it America puts her feet back on the floor, but eventually she is able to float with me barely helping her.

"Well done, sweetheart!" I cheer, making America grin at the praise.

"Can I try and swim now?" She asks eagerly.

I nod, explaining to her how to do it and giving her a demonstration.

"I'm gonna hold you like this." I place my hand so I was holding up America's stomach. "So
you're not gonna sink."

She nods, taking a deep breath in.

"Okay, now lay on your front and kick your arms and legs like I showed you."

America clumsily starts kicking her arms and legs and eventually we make it to the other side of the pool.

"Mama I did it!" America cheers excitedly, jumping up and down. "I swimmed!"

"Swam." I gently correct with a laugh, bringing her in for a hug. "I'm so proud of you, princessa! You did so good!"

(flashback over)

I smile at the memory, my thoughts getting distracted by America running in with her teeth chattering loudly.

"I thought the pool was heated!" I exclaim, rushing over to America and throwing another towel around her.

"It is, but on the way back Uncle Tio pushed me over and I landed in the a huge cold puddle." America giggles, seemingly unfazed by her teeth violently chattering from the cold. "It's also now raining." She points out.

"Pietro!" I scold, as my twin walks in with a sheepish smile, looking considerably warmer than America, with a towel around his waist.

"She loved it." Pietro shoots America a wink. "It's just a bit of cold water, don't sweat it sis. She'll be fine."

"You don't know that!" I snap, looking at America's slightly blue lips. "She's from another multiverse remember! We could have virus's that are really dangerous for her and just a common cold for us. I don't know how she reacts to heat, or injuries." I list, glaring at my brother.

"I'm fine, Mama. I'll just have a hot bath." America assures me, wiping her runny nose on the towel.

"No. It's not fine. Your Uncle needs to be more careful with you." I say firmly, shooting my brother a look.

"Sorry sis. I'll be more careful." Pietro walks past me, placing a brotherly kiss on my head, before grabbing a bag of chips from the cupboard.

"I'm gonna go shower before your Mom murders me!" He jokingly whispers to America, making me roll my eyes at his overdramatic tendencies.

America giggles, before she's cut of with a sneeze, instantly worrying me.

"Let's go get you in a warm bath." I quickly grab America's shoulders, gently steering her to my bathroom to run her a hot bath.

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