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Music in an unprogressed place. When she falls in love with music, that's when their fates meet and became twisted. A man of music who catches her heart that carries a dark secret from past.

A man that changed her life.

Life is full of surprises. We don't know when an unexpected things would happen that would surely affect our life in other ways. Everything would take a dark turn base on the situation and based on what happened.

If that's the case, then how would a person could handle such problem that could greatly affect his/her life in the present and future?

If pertaining to a vulnerable and innocent woman, how would she able to overcome and solve her problems in her own ways?

What if the one she loves the most is the cause of all her sufferings?

Well I guess they were just proof on how fate/destiny playful are.

They were just victims of playful destiny that make their fates twisted.

ONE-NIGHT. Because of a one-night happened, everything changed. . . Their life, the path they are taking. Are they willing to take responsibility? or they will just run and forget about it? Or they'll need to whisper into virtuoso?

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