~Chapter 1~

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I walked around and saw how every person came in smiling and laughing. All except my dad. He looked so strict,so intimidating. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, um hi" a tall blonde haired guy said. "Hi,may i help you?" I asked. "No. Well i actually wanted to say that you look beautiful" he replies,nervously smiling.

"Oh um thanks" I say,smiling. He smiles. I chuckle nervously and look at the ground. "So where should we you know? Yours or mine?".

He did not just ask me that. "Eres un cerdo" i told,glaring at him. "Back at you baby". I scoff. "Is their a problem over here?" I hear leo ask,walking towards me and the boy.

"Este cerdo,is being disgusting" i replied. "You think its so cool for you to come in my fathers mall and ask me where we should hook up dont you?" I asked.

"Well i mean you cant blame me,just look at you" he replies. As i was about to say something else leo stepped in.

"I think its best if you leave,and if you come here again or ever try to do anything to my sister it wont be me youll have to deal with got it?" He asked.

The guy stays quiet. "Got it?" " yea sure" He says. Leo nods. "Good" ". The boy rolls his eyes turns around and leaves the store. "You okay bella?" He asks, turning to me.

"Im fine" i replied. "You have to be more careful". I scoff. "I was,its not like i was doing anything wrong. All i was doing was looking around and making sure everything was going great".

He sighs. "Mom and dad are heading out for lunch. If you need anything ill be on the top floor".

"Okay". He kisses my forehead. "Te quiero Isabella". I smile. "I love you too leo". He hugs me.

Leo isnt really  intimidating or that strict like our dad. He has a goofty and lovable side he just doesn't show it to everyone. Just to mom and me.

~a few minutes go by~

"No,its too plain" i say. "Isabella, like kids love plain white jeans" leo says. "Okay teens yes,but little kids? They don't always. Ive seen lots of moms ask if their is any fun designs on the jeans".

"What if i ask april to come and draw some designs down and see if dad and you will like it?" I suggest. Leo sighs. "I dont know Isabella".

"Just please trust me,i know what im doing. Just imagine all the new designs april can put on the jeans,shorts,sweatpants".

"Oh and we can even have a box where the customers write down what designs they want,what color they want you know?".

"Its a great idea, moms can come in and write what design they want for her childs birthday,
Christmas present. You know any special occasion" i add.

Leo smiles. "You really do have lots of plans dont you?" He asks. I chuckle. "This is just one idea leo for this little store. I have a whole lot more".

Leo needs to understand and see how everything works,how everyone thinks. Its not always about prices,its about how the customers feel.

Ive been paying close attention to how everyone reacts to our mall. Like for example the water foutain in the middle of the mall.

It isn't just a fountain to throw pennies and all,you can sit,talk or even just enjoy some alone time.

Ive seen lots of family sit at the fountain and just enjoy being out together. Kids laughing and making wishes.

The point is,i wanna prove to my dad that not everything has to be so perfect. So serious.

I kept walking around the mall making sure how everyone is. "Mrs. Brown how are you doing?" I asked. She barley looked at me. As if she was scared to mess up or even stop working.

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