"How are you darling?" She says.

"Im doing fine, but I am upset Evie and Carlos have to go"

"Oh I am too, but you dont need to miss them."

I look at her confused "what?"

I turn around and see Evie putting on a big smirk and Carlos looks like he about to explode.

"YOU'RE COMING TO AURADON WITH US" they both yell out at the same time.

I look at them with my jaw practically on the floor, stunned to speak.

I run up to them and give them the biggest hug, then I start to ramble on

"Wait dont you guys leave today, how am I supposed to pack my stuff when you guys are going to be leaving at any giving mome-"

Mal rolls her eyes and interrupts me,"Just shut up and listen"

Evie gives Mal a look and she just walks away.

"We actually get picked up tomorrow so you have tonight to pack all your stuff" Carlos says.

I'm so happy that I could explode.

"I can come to your house and help you pack" Evie says.

"Okay!" I say.

We head on home when I start to think.

"I think that I should go tell Harry and Uma" I say

Evie looks at me a little upset but nods in agreement and comes with me.

We head into the fish and chips shoppe and check in our swords as I spot Uma serving Gil some shrimp.

I go to Uma and wave to her as she spots me and waves me over to the back.

She spots Evie and gives me a glare and I put on a look and she rolls her eyes.

I look at Evie and nod my head over to signal her to follow me.

I spot Harry at a different table talking to some of his pirate friends.

He spots me and I nod my head to signal him to come over here.

Harry is probably my closest friend out of everyone so hes the one person who deserves to know.

"Hello love what are you up too?" He says in his accent that I love.

"Well I have something to tell you so come and head to the back, Uma is waiting" I say mimicking his accent.

I pause and turn around giving Evie a look hoping she understands that I dont want her to come with me and she should just wait.

She nods her head and went back to the entrnace door leaning on the wall to wait.

Harry looks at me and says "So what do you have to tell us?"

"Its very important and you might even get upset." I say.

He gives me a confused look and we open the doors to the back where uma is washing dishes.

"Okay guys you may not be happy for what im going to tell you but I cant turn it down"

"I think I already know what this is." Uma says a little annoyed

"I got invited to go to Auradon." I say not looking at either of them prepared for what their going to say.

Harry jumps and picks me up spinning me around and giving me a kiss on the cheeck. My face goes red as he puts me down (did i mention I've had a crush on him since we were 6?)

His face goes red as well and puts me down. I'm guessing he didnt didnt actually mean to do that.

Uma's mouth is practically on the floor from I dont know why

Probably from what Harry did or from what I told her.

Or both.

Uma rolls her eyes, "you know Auradon is just filled with prissy pink princesses"

"Look Uma i know that, but this is a chance i can finally get off this island and away from my mother."

She scoffs, I knew she would act like this.

"Whatever, i just hope you don't turn out to be like them." She goes back to do the dishes.

I follow her, "Uma you know me, I wouldn't be like them, i never will."

She looks at me, "I know, i just wish it was me going so i can get out of this stupid place."

"Look i promise when i get there i'll get fairy god mothers wand and break the barrier curse, like we promised would happen if one of us got in." I say

You think i'm going to Auradon to be all good? Think again.

I give her a hug and say my goodbye, i turn around to see harry still standing there.

I go up and hug him, "i promise no matter what it takes i'll do what i can for you to get out of here" I whisper in his shoulder.

"I know you will." he says

I look up to smile at him heading out the doors to Evie.


Evie and I are standing infront of the door to my house. I think to myself hoping my mother is just asleep.

I open the door as quiet as I could and looked around, I dont see my mother so I signal Evie that its okay to come in.

We tiptoe down the stairs to my room as the light turns on and I see my mother sitting there not very happy.

Evie is somehwere hiding now which is good because I dont want to risk her getting caught by my mother.

"that was a very long walk." My mother says.

"Yup just trying to burn those calories." i joke.

She looks at me not amused, "You missed dinner."


"I guess i was really trying to burn those calories" I lightly laugh to myself.

"You were off with your friends were you?"



"Good, well I'm heading to bed as you should do the same."

She walks past me heading up the stairs as I let out a breathe I didnt know I was holding.

I just hope Evie was somewhere that mother didnt see.

"Evieee" I say in a whisper shout.

She jumps out of my closet which I still dont know how she got there.

"Okay we have to start packing now" she says.

I pack all my boots, heels, leather jaxkets, band tshirt, ripped jeans, pajama pants, tank tops, swim suits, jewelry, and accessories.

along with other stuff I will need like my hairbrush, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, razors, hair tyes, books, etc.

Soon Evie and I crash into my bed setting an alarm so we can wake up early and get out of here.

Then we're off to sleep.

•okay if you read this before i fixed it up i'm not like rewriting it completely i'm just fixing things up and adding a few things in to make it seem better•

1749 words

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