I: The Story Begins

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An ominous haze lingered upon the bricks and rubble that once composed one of the Earth's most integral settlements. The extensive roads were devoid of any vehicles, the great buildings that created an otherworldly spectacle had metamorphosed into a collection of unrecognisable building materials, and the bustling life that had given the city its charm had vanished.

For the many 1986 was, in a way, the end of the world. The buildup of instability leading to this moment was anticipated by much of those while they still lived on earth, but for the crescendo to play out in such a violent and destructive manner could have been predicted by none. Well, most were lucky enough to not see it coming.

From the ruins of the city, three men still stood. None had known the other, or even acknowledged each other until this grim moment. They stood far apart, but the figure of your fellow man when the only thoughts in your mind are questioning wether or not you're the last one left made them stand out to each other. Emboldened by the presence of a person and comfort they walked closer and closer. The crunch of shifting rubble was the only sound for miles, as a dreading silence befell what was once full and loud with life. 

From the heavy dust that obscured the forms in the distance, the first man emerged. He wore a jet-black hoodie, stained with soot and rubbed paint. His white pants, once shining in glory were drab and robbed of their gleaming colours. He had a blemished face, darkened by the falling rays of the sun, back from the hostile lands where he had lived. Atop his face sat dark sunglasses, hiding his eyes, which were seemingly untouched. His boots were heavy and dark, reaching up all the way to his knees.

The second figure emerged, dressed in a white shirt with a cartoon of a camel on it. Towering above most, he was about twenty years of age. He was draped in one of the then-popular college jackets, black in colour, decorated with golden stripes on its sleeves and collar, as well as bright yellow buttons. His rugged jeans had withstood several hardships and falling rocks. He wiped his beard with his sleeve, ridding it of the dust that hung so low and heavy. He too wore glasses, but their lenses were glass, so transparent that his eyes pierced through them. Looking to his left, he saw no-one, just the vast expanse of what was taken from them all. He glanced to his right, and from there the third figure emerged, standing high above the ruins.

Cloaked in the tan uniform of his former nation's military, was the third fellow. About as old as the first man, he had a single medal, one from the recent Balkan conflict dangling from the right side of his chest. He seemed to be the least fazed, having been in similar situations but the realisation of the sheer size of the extensive destruction had not reach him yet. Across his torso ran a strap, fastened to it was a large rifle with four stars forming a cross engraved on its stock. Coming closer, the three could finally see each other. In each of their minds, they spent minutes thinking about what was appropriate to say. Finally, The man clad with the dark college jacket mustered the ability to break the silence.

"Let's introduce ourselves. I'm Jason." He said. Jason sounded much louder than he was, his voice echoing across the silent vast expanse of nothingness. Despite the wastes that surrounded them, and the uncertain fate that awaited him, the happy, carefree tone that always decorated his voice was not lost. His eyes skipped between the two people standing before him. The man in the military uniform stepped forwards, his head raised proudly.

"I'm Hayden. Glad to meet you." He replied, with a formal tone that he maintained consistently in spite of the events that had transpired. The last man stood, gazing into the unknown before the realisation that one of his answers being awaited hit him.
"I'm Fahad." He said out loud. He was blunt and straightforwards, not hesitating to express disinterest in what he didn't prioritise. "Now that we know what to call each other, what's the second part of the plan?"Jason looked over to the sun, its blinding white light replaced with a deep, relatively dim orange descending into the horizon. Nightfall was about to impend, and the last thing that was needed for the survivors was to to be left to the means of the nocturnal beasts that would emerge once the moon was in the sky.

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