Chapter 2 - Explaining Everything

Start from the beginning

"Harry, there are some things I need to discuss with you about both you and our family as a whole. Now, some of these things might prove rather shocking, or even scary; but they are things you must know of. I'm not sure exactly how to even begin to discuss this..." Elijah wandered off track for a moment as he racked his brain for the best way to begin.

"Have you ever had any odd cravings before, or wanted something cooked a certain way?" Elijah asked Harry.

Harry's eyes had widened exponentially at that. It was actually quite comical looking; reminding Elijah of exactly how young his nephew truly was.

Instead of answering the question, his sly nephew returned with a question of his own.

"Do you every have any...different cravings?" Harry asked.

Elijah just smirked at his. "Yes," he replied.

"Okay... I always would like my meat as rare as I can have it. Sometimes, I don't know how to explain this, but blood...well, it always smells good to me," Harry said as he whispered the last part.

This was just the opening Elijah had been hoping for.

"I understand. I always have the same type of cravings. Your father did too." Elijah told his nephew.

Harry was silent for a bit as he began putting the pieces together in his mind.

"Are we... werewolves or vampires or something?" Harry asked quietly.

'He is very sharp indeed,' thought Elijah.

"It would explain the strength and speed," Harry said.

"Yes Harry. Both your father and I are a part of a supernatural species known as the Original Vampires. The two of us, along with our siblings, are the first vampires ever created and for that, we are known as the 'Original Family' by many. As the son of my brother, you are a part of that family as well," Elijah explained

Elijah watched as his nephew absorbed his words. It astonished Elijah to note that Harry was not overly shocked by his revelation. The boy certainly handled the bizarre rather well.

"Does this mean I'm a vampire as well?" Harry asked.

"Yes, you are. At least you will be once the binding that was placed on you as a baby is removed. You see Harry, you are so much more than just a vampire. When the binding on you is released, you will come in to your power as an Original Vampire. We are stronger, and faster than normal vampires. The sun cannot kill us, and we have the power to even compel other vampires. You are even more special though. You see, your mother was an extraordinary woman. Do you believe in magic Harry?" Elijah asked.

"Yes, I'd be stupid not too. Besides, some of the things I have done before can't be explained away as anything other than magic," Harry told him without any hesitation.

"The Dursley's favorite saying was 'There is no such thing as magic.' That alone was enough of a reason for me to believe it was real if they were so adamant that it wasn't," he said in a way of explanation.

"Well, you are right. Magic is very much real. There are two main types of magic users. One kind, known as the Wiccan's, or servants of nature. They draw their magic from the very nature of earth itself. Most of these types answer to their ancestors, who have already passed on. They also have a large amount of ritual type magic. My mother, known as the 'Original Witch' by history. She was the one who turned us into vampires in the first place as a way to protect us. Your father also possessed this type of magic when he was human, but he lost it when our mother turned us. You, as his son, have some of that branch of magic," explained Elijah in what Harry would later come to call his uncle's 'professor voice.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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