An Affinity for Being a Sycophantic Prat

Start from the beginning

"No!" echoed Pucey's voice in an appalled whisper. "What are you doing here? You can't get expelled, Harper! Who will fill in for stupid Malfoy when he neglects his Seeker duty?"

Draco bristled at the dig at his intelligence, but he didn't have the ability to defend his completely justified reasons for skipping Quidditch.

"Stop dawdling," Greengrass snapped. "Lainey's headed for the Divination Tower—what a scandalous place to snog Draco!"

Outraged, he jutted out beyond the statue, but the Divination Tower's entrance lay too far into the distance for him to glimpse Fitzroy. Was she with someone? If Greengrass thought it was him, the bloke must have been blond, but he didn't know many other blond boys, at least not by name...unless it was Creevey. Draco barely suppressed a chortle at the thought. He wouldn't even be cross if he caught the two of them together. Perhaps such a pathetic sight would finally convince his brain to stop thinking about her all the time.

The younger Slytherins had continued onward, so Draco slunk after them, confident he wouldn't lose them now with Harper's incessant rambling. When they reached the Divination Tower's stairwell, the stumbling boy spun to ascend the steps backward, which, unsurprisingly, made their trek upward irritatingly slow. Draco climbed at a pace of one step per minute and then had to backtrack nearly to the bottom when Harper and Anderson tumbled halfway down.

Assuming the boys would be dumb enough to repeat their fall, Draco waited a solid five minutes to finally ascend again. At the top, the younger Slytherins had all entered the classroom, joining Fitzroy where she sat at one of the little round tables. As far as Draco could see, she didn't have a snogging partner, but he didn't even care about that anymore when he beheld her alarmed face in the blinding glow of a crystal ball.

One-by-one, her dumb friends reached for the light, and one-by-one it absorbed them. Soon, only she and Flemming remained, staring each other down over the orb. They exchanged a few words, though Draco couldn't hear them from this distance, and he was helpless to intervene when Fitzroy thrust her hand into the light and evaporated.

Eerily, Flemming rotated until she faced Draco where he crouched at the top of the stairwell. "How hard do you think it'll be to convince all the bozos at this school that they never existed?"

"I... They—just—"

"Hm, true, we'll probably get blamed for their deaths," she concluded, mostly to herself. "I reckon we can both agree Azkaban isn't a family tradition we want to carry on."

With that, she stuck a limp-wristed hand into the light and got sucked into the crystal ball.

Draco stared at the brightness for a few long minutes, until his eyes couldn't even focus elsewhere. Fitzroy had seemed shocked by the crystal ball's powers, but she was a Seer. Had she unwittingly transported them somewhere? Knowing her, it'd probably sent them right into Weaselbee's arms. Perhaps Draco should have gone straight to Snape and let him handle this, but if Fitzroy had ditched him again for that blood traitor, he wanted to be the one to confront her.

As he rose from his crouch, the orb's light started to wane. Without a second thought, he darted toward it, shoving his hand into the flickering rays, feeling a mixture of relief and terror as his body fell into the destination beyond.

His bottom landed on a worn leather surface, forcing a grunt from his throat. The stench of smoke infiltrated his nostrils, and he blinked his eyes into focus, expecting to find that Fitzroy's clumsy friends had already managed to light the Weasleys' hovel on fire. Personally, Draco wouldn't have been bothered, but he would need to find Fitzroy and Apparate out of here as fast as possible.

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