Billy Hargrove X Reader - Gangsta

Start from the beginning

"Billy," you cried out, tugging him to a stop. "Where are we going?"

"Going to teach Tommy a lesson-"

"You're going to get in trouble," you uttered, pulling your hand out of his. "You could get arrested."

Billy paused for a moment, looking back at you. "Get in the car, Baby."


"Get in the car, Y/N."

"Baby," you bit out.

Billy let out a shaking breath. "If he touched you, knowing that I would kill him if I caught him, then he's probably touched other girls," he told you. "Someone needs to teach him a lesson."

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, nodding. "Okay."

"Please just get in the car, Sweetheart."

The ride over to Tommy's place was silent. No music. No chatter. Just the sounds of the wind coming through the windows and the roar of the engine as Billy drove at far too high a speed. 

It was only when Billy pulled up outside of the house, music playing loudly inside, that you finally found the courage to speak again. 

"We can still go home," you murmured. "We can go back to mine and watch a movie and pretend we never even came here-"

"Baby, don't do that," he hummed, reaching over to take your hand in his. "He deserves this, okay. And as soon as I'm done here, we can go home. I'll even take you to get ice cream on the way back."

You stayed quiet, watching him carefully. "I don't want you to get hurt," you finally uttered, watching as a small smile bloomed on his features. 

"It'll be a couple of bruised knuckles at worst, Sweetheart. Nothing worth worrying about," he told you, lifting his free hand to touch your cheek lightly. "Your Mom keeps an ice pack in the freezer, right?" You nodded. "Then we have nothing to worry about."

He suddenly released you, getting out of the car and starting his journey up towards the house. You were quick to hurry after him, linking your fingers through his as he pushed his way through the front door and into the crowd of kids from your school. 

"Hey, Hagan," Billy called out, watching as Tommy looked up from whatever drink concoction he was creating. 


Billy had released your hand the second he was within reaching distance of Tommy, swinging his fist into his jaw so hard that it knocked Tommy off of his feet, leaving him sprawled against the kitchen tiles as other kids began to gather around. 

"Get up," Billy bit out, fists still clenched as Tommy stared in disbelief.

"What the fuck, man-"

"Get up," Billy yelled, raising his voice just enough that it drew the attention of the entire house full of guests. 

Tommy finally did as he was told, clambering up onto his feet. But just as quickly as he had found his footing, Billy had laid him out again with a sharp jab, right at his nose. 

Carole was fighting her way through the crowd of increasingly entertained onlookers, shoving past people until she was stumbling to a stop across from Billy. 

"If you ever touch my girl again, I'll kill you," Billy uttered, giving Tommy an extra shove with the toe of his boot. "Actually, touch any girl like that again and I'll kill you, you worthless piece of shit."

You reached out, wrapping both hands around Billy's wrist. "We should go," you murmured, linking your fingers through his. "Come on," you added, pulling on his hand lightly. 

Billy gave Tommy one last glance, his bloody nose making a mess all over his pristine white shirt. "Fucking pervert," he spat, finally letting you pull him away from the scene and towards the door. 

It wasn't until you were back in the car that you got a chance to look at Billy's hand, your fingers brushing over the knuckles. "They are going to bruise," you muttered under your breath. "You hit him really hard."

"It was worth it," he hummed, smiling when you lifted the hand to your mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to the knuckles. "So, it's only 8 and I told your dad 10:30," he told you. "We could get ice cream and go sit up at that spot near Lover's Lake-" he paused for a moment. "My treat," he added softly, letting his hand shift to rest on your knee. 

"That sounds nice."

Billy smiled, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your lips. "Yeah," he hummed against your lips.

"You think the ice cream place'll give you some ice for your hand?" You paused for a second, listening to him snort with laughter as he turned the car on. "Don't laugh; I like your hands. Don't want them all beat up-"

"I'll ask them when we get there, okay, Princess?"

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