"Sometimes I stay longer at school to see the cheerleaders training. I don't want to join them but it is nice to learn their techniques." Her mother turned her phone off so it is probably the first thing she heard of this. "Why didn't you tell me that, sweetheart?"

"I love dancing but I also know how much money it is. I don't want to spend money on it when it is not going to give me a job." I feel like I shouldn't be here for this conversation because I am a stranger. Sure I am dating Mason but I still don't need to hear about this because he hasn't been ready to tell me this.

"I also told you to never worry about money. I am your mother and I will worry about that." She gets up to hug Flora who just smiles. "I know that but I don't want to spend too much money. I want you more home, mom, not away. I want to see movies with you and call Mason to tease him."

"If that means having to stay longer at school to watch the cheerleaders in secret then that is what I will do." I sit on the couch not wanting to disturb them. I shouldn't be here but I am also glad that I am here.

I want to know every part of Mason. Even the ones he isn't ready to talk about. It is okay. I want to get to know him better.

"Maybe we should talk about that more when we are home. I don't want Brynn to feel bad about this." They both look at me. And I can see the hurt in their eyes. "You don't have to worry about me. I might even know someone who could help you out."

"I don't want your money." Flora looks quite shocked while her mother doesn't even change her face. "I was not going to give money because I know you won't take it. And I totally understand that. What I can do is ask one of my friends to help you. She is on the dance program here."

"I would love that." Flora walks over to me and hugs me. I can tell that she is on the edge of crying. She isn't used to people helping her. "I will call her tomorrow and see if she can meet up with you. I don't know how you will do it but it will work out. I know that you can do that."

"I believe in you." Her mother looks at me and I can see the same smile that Mason has. She is trying not to cry and be strong for her daughter but sometimes it is hard to do so. She knows that both her children love her unconditionally and are willing to give up their dreams for her.

I can only hope one day I will have that too.

"Mason is right about you. You are really amazing." Her arms tighten around me and I rub her back knowing she needs this hug. She is just like her brother and acts all tough when all she wants is someone to love her and tell her everything will be alright. And if I have to be this person then I gladly do that.


"Get your ass back to the couch. We are going to watch this movie and you will love it." I hide my face in the crook of Mason's neck when he is shouting at his sister. She didn't want to stay on the couch and be a third wheel. "I will not love it."

"You will love it because it is the one you have been talking about for so long. I bought it because I knew you would be here." Flora gets on the opposite of the couch with her arms crossed over her chest. "I am only going to watch it because I am a nice person."

"You are so irritating at times." He rolls his eyes when she takes the blanket to cover her whole body. It is apparently the one that Landon always uses because it has his hockey team on it. "It ruins in the family."

"She learned it from you, sweetheart." Their mother walks inside with the food she wanted to get from the diner. Apparently, she isn't the biggest fan of takeaway but Mason didn't want her to cook on her free days. It was a discussion she didn't even start because she knew Mason would help her and she saw how brutal practice was for him.

But he had to agree on her getting to it because she was in need of a walk. And when we asked her to join her, she just turned her head and gave us all a look. The look that every single mother gives to their children when they asked something stupid. We let her go alone because it is better that way.

"And we both learned it from you." She sticks her tongue out while placing the food on the table. I was never allowed to eat food on the couch with my parents but that never stopped me and my brothers to do it when they weren't around.

"You are lucky that I am a very nice mom." She hands us all our food and I can tell that she is just the nicest person I will ever meet. "I have told you this before mom and I will say it again. You are too nice sometimes but that is a good thing."

"And here I thought that both my children would have that too but they don't. I guess that the only thing you got from me is my good looks." Mason and Flora laugh and it makes me smile too. It is weird for me to see people being so normal and nice to their parents. It is not that I have bad parents but it is more that we are more fans of the whole everybody knows their role.

My parents rarely ask me about my life. We talk about a lot of things but we don't go to each other when we feel bad or need advice. That is why my brothers and I are closer because we could never go to our parents if we ever needed advice. And believe me, I would have rather asked my mother about guys and feelings than my older brother but that is how it was for me.

Sure Davina's mother was there for me and helped me a lot when I had questions about girl' stuff. But seeing Mason, Flora, and his mother really makes me jealous of them. I wish I could have that but my parents don't really care about that. They love me in their own way but I sometimes wish they would be more involved in my life.

"Good looks are debatable when it comes to Mason." Flora is looking at Mason while I lay my head on his shoulder not wanting to disturb them. I didn't get anything from the diner but Mason apparently could care less about that. He is trying to put fries in my mouth. "I ordered a large for you because I know that you like those fries."

His mother is looking at me while I just accept my defeat. I get some of the fries because they are really the ones that I really love and I am glad that Mason knows that. It is things like that, that make me realize that he knows me better than I thought. It is also his way of telling me that he pays attention to me and that he loves me.

"Thank you." He turns around so he can face me without his mother or sister seeing my face. And I can tell that he wants to tell me something because he is giving me his little smile. "I love you, darling. I know that it took me longer to say it but that doesn't mean I haven't felt it for that long. I just needed some time to process all of these new feelings for me."

Choking on one of the fries, Mason starts to chuckle while I slap my own chest. "Are you insane? Why did you think it was a good idea to tell me this now?"

"I saw it as a good moment." He is smiling so brightly that I can't stop smiling myself. "You are going to be the death of me, Mason Scott."

"I know that you love me." He whispers so they can't hear us but I can see on the face of his mother that she heard him. And she is smiling as brightly as him which makes me even happier.

I am glad to be part of this family.

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