Caught(zoro x reader)

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Reader x zoro requested by my good friend:Sydneythealchemist
{Reader-sans p.o.v} (a/n if I mess up the point of views and izzle sorry I didn't mean to I'll re-reader it again I just really wanted to get this out or if I don't change it I just want to say I'm lazy :P)
Dammit they don't give up do they? You were currently running from the strawhats pirates,I guess it wasn't such a good idea to steal some of their loot eh?
Currently you were being chased by half of the crew,they didn't seem that interested in trying to catch me but the girl looked terrifying, I'm not looking forward to being caught I can tell you that!-.-
"You know I only stole a little bit!"i yelled over my shoulder,they speed up with panicked looks on their faces.
"Sorry we can let you have it and besides if we didn't get it back we would be dead!" This guy with green hair yelled back with a bored expression on his face.
"Oh well good luck then" jumping and and grabbing hold onto the support beams of some unfinished house,I swing my self up and onto the other roof and continue running at my normal pace(if your pace is slow,zoro and such just had a meal so they are like turtles kay?O(≧∇≦)O ), this guy with a swirly eyebrow looks furious and keeps calling out nami-swan,jeez what did I get my self into?All of a sudden the ground below me crumbles and I only just manage to jump onto the other roof...what was that?I look to see this guy with a slingshot?!
"Oi! Watch it! There are people running here!jeez the nerve of some people!" All of them immediately sweat drop and look annoyed.
"Says you! We worked hard for that!"screeched the demon woman.
Ignoring her I kept on running, I jump down into the alleyways and take loads of twists and turns to lose them, but they just aren't giving up , as I continue I hear the loudness of the group start to fade away and I become more relaxed and become less careful,I finally come to the end of the alley and begin walking home in the opposite direction.
"Ha.what idiots" wow they are persistent though I'll give them that at least.
"Awww don't say that we aren't that bad"I freeze up and slowly turn around and am met with the smirk of the man with the moss hair.
"Haha well not all of you I guess" slowly backing away from the man I let our a nervous chuckle.
"(Y/n) I can't believe you don't recognise me" he lets out a sigh and has this adorable pouty look on his face.
"How do you know me!?" What a creep! He knows my name and everything.
"It's me zoro from when we were kids -3-"no way...I mean damn does he look fine! I mean uh...haha and my old crush alive and well just as I was getting over him? What a coincidence.....(reader: -.- lala-chan I think not my fault it's for the story,reader:psst -3- what ever)
"What?! No way! You have...uh matured" your face right on cue setting a blaze with embarrassment.
"Me getting compliments from (y/n)?! I'm honoured"letting out a chuckle he walks over and crushes you on a tight hug and you try to hug him with the same amount of crushing.
"I missed you! Next time tell me when you leave! Your such an a-hole"he gives me a slight push and laughs.
"Yet you followed me anyway?"
"Shut up" see an a-hole but I guess you can't stop loving him once you start.
"Look I'll only take a little bit back and leave you the rest okay?" See he is nice too
"Thanks" while handing over the bag you realise that he will leave your life once again and the chances of seeing him again get even slimmer..
"That means your leaving again doesn't it?"I can't help but let a few tears fall from my eyes.
"Yea, I'm sorry you can send letters you know...but I'll miss you don't think I haven't thought about you at all...why do you think I am here?"looking up at him with total shock on your face
"You came here for me?"
"Yes, because I missed you and I heard that you lived here now so I though I should make a stop"you really felt bad now for taking their 'hard earned' treasure now
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know you can take it all back!"
"No it's alright we don't need it anyway"he gives you that heart warming smile that just makes your heart melt.
"Thanks...if I can ever do anything just let me know"smiling as beautiful as you could, you couldn't help but feel that you were dying inside, I mean it's the first time I have seen him in ages and he's already leaving.
"Hey please don't cry...for me" he walked up to you gently wiping your tears away.
"I have to cry! Because I don't know if I'll ever see you again!how could I not cry!"looking up at him giving that look that you knew worked well on him.
"Please don't leave me again!" He smiled and grabbed your hand.
"Why don't you want me to leave?" Griping his hand tightly and looking straight into his eyes.
"Because I wouldn't know what I would do if the man I loved ended up dying! And me not being there and having the chance to save you!thats what has been killing me these past few years!"you screamed now full on crying
"I feel the exact same Thing" before you had time to process what was going on he kissed you while holding your waist,without even thinking you kissed back, but it was cut short.
"Then why don't you come with me then? To be there to save me"you smiled hearing those words coming out of his mouth.
"Yup because I die a little inside everyday I'm not by your side"smiling you took his hand and started walking with him to his ship.
"I guess I have been caught then,huh?"
"Got that right" you both crack up laughing as you walk towards the harbour.

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