Chapter: 1

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It was thundering outside by the time I finished dragging the boxes in from the moving van.

I was exhausted, But what I considered the hardest part of all of this was now over.

Now just to unpack. . .

Moving into this old, Single story, Victorian style home in the middle of bumfuck no where wasn't exactly what I expected to be doing at the ripe old age of nineteen.

Two years ago, I was on track to get a degree in zoology and one in botany, I was going to become a researcher, I even had a 'mentor' of sorts who was going to help me join his team studying plants and animals in the amazon.

I was doing well in school, I had graduated high school at sixteen and my dad had pulled some strings to get me a full scholarship at the college he went to.

He denied he had anything to do with it, But I knew. And I was very grateful.

My parents tried to pay for everything else I might need or want while in college, But I turned them down, Opting instead to get a part time job as a means of proving myself.

All of that went out the window though as soon as I got a phone call.

Mom had gotten sick with the flu. . .At her age, It ended her in the hospital. . .Dad was distraught and wanted to let me know what was going on.

As soon as I finished my phone call with him, I quit my job, Was forced to drop out of college as they wouldn't postpone the tests I was having to do.

Once that was done, I paid extra to get a flight back to my parent's home as soon as possible and was back in my home town one and a half days after the call.

I was worried sick when I made my way to the hospital.

My parents. . .Aren't my biological parents, But a kind, At the time, Fifty three year old couple who found me on the side of the road and chose to adopt me.

Mom was seventy one, And dad seventy two. . .

Unfortunately. . .The key word in that sentence is 'Was'.

I spent a whole year with them, Helping care for them and tending to everything I could.

Mom continued to slowly wither away, But that didn't stop her from being the kind pure hearted person I knew her to be.

The very day before she died, She was reading stories to the little kids in the hospital, Wearing a fuck ton of tubes and a mask all while sitting in a wheel chair, Unable to walk anymore.

Dad lasted a month longer than her. . .He kept trying to hide it, But I could see his heart breaking even with me there to help him through it all.

I pulled some strings and paid a bunch of money, But I managed to get both of them buried in the same grave together.

They left everything they owned to me, Including a letter they both had written when mom first got sick.

Said letter was currently resting in a safe inside the bank, A place where their last words to me will be safe, Forever.

They left their house to me, But I couldn't keep it.

Every second I spent in it reminded me of them. . .I couldn't deal with it, So I sold it and most of the items inside to a young, Kind yet less well off couple with a little kid that were trying to find a home.

They were so shocked and happy when I sold it and everything left inside it for only a couple thousand.

Thunder cracked loudly outside, Drawing me out of my thoughts.

All of that led up to where I was now, In the middle of bumfuck no where, A place seemingly only inhabited by people who've lived in the area all their lives and or those running from something.

Well. . .Can't put off unpacking forever. . .

I didn't keep much from my parents home, But I did keep the things that were either sentimental to my parents or things that I shared fond memories with my parents over.

An example, A small, Crudely painted teapot and teacups that my parents and I made together that were the first things I found in the nearest box that was marked 'Plates'.

I didn't even like tea. . .

Sighing, I stared at all the boxes I had in front of me to unpack, Sort and find places for.

I was exhausted.

It was storming. . .And all I wanted to do was lay down and take a nap.

It's been a long past few weeks, I could sleep for a year. . .

Running my fingers through my soaked and slightly tangled curls, I looked around at the mess of boxes.

''Well, Can't get any work done by just standing around I guess. . .'' I muttered to myself, Instantly feeling fooling.

Great job Blaze, Talking to yourself totally doesn't seem crazy. . .

Shaking my head, I clapped my hands together.

Alright, Enough stalling. . .Time for the boring part of all of this. . .

With the storm still quietly raging in the background, I set about unpacking things, Utterly confused at why certain things weren't in the boxes they should be in.

Lightening cracked, Lighting up the sky with blue and purple hues as I worked.

--- Time skip ---

It took hours, But I was finally done. . .Well, Mentally done, I still had a lot of boxes to unpack but if I opened one more tan cardboard box, I'd go insane.

So instead, I decided to explore my 'backyard' a bit.

The home I had bought was an old thing, In the middle of a small forest with a little creek running through it that led to the much larger river that splits the nearby town in two.

I owned the woods surrounding my home, Granting me privacy and peace. . .Letting me be alone with my thoughts, Far away from well wishing neighbors.

The forest smelled like damp earth and fresh rain by the time the storm had ended.

I could hear birds just starting back up their songs again as I wandered through the waterlogged trees, Their limbs heavy and dripping water onto everything and everyone below.

Since I didn't know my surroundings well enough, I only walked to the creek before returning home, Not wanting to get lost on my first day in my new home.

By the time I got back though, The anxiety from moving had settled down enough that my body seemingly remembered that I had been too busy that morning and afternoon to eat.

I was starving.

The electricity and water to my home wouldn't be turned on until tomorrow, So I didn't exactly have any food waiting for me in the fridge.

I rubbed at my eyes, Tired and sore.

Wonder where the nearest grocery store is. . .Is this town even big enough to have one?. . .Maybe I'll just order out so I don't have to be forced to figure out my surroundings. . .


Chapter with a fuck ton of backstory in it, Next one's gonna be a lot more feely, Consider this chapter a practice run on the whole choices thing, Something easy and small as a warm up.

-:Order out:-

-:Go to the store:- 

Can't go wrong with these choices. . .Right? >:D

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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