Heather Billy Hargrove

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Heather - Conan Gray 


fem reader

You and Billy have been friends for a while, yall are pretty much best friends, and you started having feelings for him, ofc you were to scared to confess to him, it was obvious he didn't like you back, and so you just kept quiet, you and Billy were getting high while watching the snow fall inside his car "you look nice in my sweater, shit looks better on you then me" Billy said, "I agree, everything looks great on me" you said before slurping on you coffee, Billy just chuckled

you smile, happy that Billy complimented you, days past and you start to notice Billy always checking out Heather Halloway, you would catch his eyes following her when she walks by, at lunch he would always talk about how beautiful she was 

a sight for sore eyes, brighter then the blue sky's 

you tell him to just ask her out already, and that she's been looking his direction when he looks away, she's got him memorized, its clear she also has the hots for him too, you don't know why you're telling him this stuff, it hurts you, you feel like you slowly dying, you're love for him is strong, seeing him love someone else is painful

seeing them kiss makes you're heart hurt, it feels like you can't even breath, why would he ever kiss you? you know you weren't as pretty has her, were you even pretty? from you're car you can see them walking, holding hands, her wearing his sweater, the same sweater he let you wear, the same one he told you, you look better in it

he stops hanging out with you, he's with her 24/7, he dose like her better then you, of course, you'd wish he was looking at you instead of her, you'd wish you were pretty enough for him to notice you, you'd wish you were heather

you'd watch as she puts her arm around his shoulder, pulling him into a heated kiss, you started to grow cold, you wanted to hate her but how could you? ever since you'd met her when she was with Billy, she was nothing but nice to you, she took you shopping or would beg you to come watch some horror movies with her, or beg you to go to parties with her and Billy, she would never ask you about Billy when you guys are alone, all she wants was to genuinely just be you're friend, hoping to become besties

she would help you with you're problems at home, she was rich so she help you with the bill's, she truly was an angle sent form heaven, but seeing her with Billy, doing things you wanted to do with Billy, made you wish she was dead

her and Billy would fight over something and he would come to you, you would confront him and stuff, being the best friend her was grateful for, maybe more then a best friend, a sister, a not so shitty sister

seeing them repeat the same things over and over again, making you're heart break even more, you couldn't stand this anymore, and so you told him, you told him how you feel about him and seeing him with heather made your heart hurt, it made you feel like you were gonna have a panic attack or something, feeling you heart tighten, having trouble breathing when you see him with her, you just couldn't take it anymore

"I love you Billy" was your last words to him as you walk out of his house and started driving, listening to relaxing music, while looking up at the sky, the stares shining, that night you spent crying your heart out, knowing he will no longer be you friend

maybe its for the better?

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