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*image credits to the rightful owner*


The Han family could be considered weird, a mole between the rich families of their generally old-fashioned country.

No traditions, made the servants stay in the house main spaces even for non-work activities, made their children work for things, exc.

But Jisung wouldn't have it any other way. Who cared if a peer considered it odd, his family was the best.

His father, Han Haneul, was an honest and smart business man. He was an alpha, but always worked hard. He built their wealth up with his skills, taking off his simple work as an accountant. He also was the sweetest thing alive, and couldn't actually hurt a fly.

Ari, his mother, was a beautiful woman. She had no education, but a strong will to always learn and a natural elegance, intelligence, and sweetness to her that made his dad fall in love. They both worked for the same man, but then got kicked out in times of crisis.

Then, his sisters. Oh, how much he loved them. Twins, they were just one year younger than him. Balam and Danbi. They always played together, got in trouble together, had embarassing moments together, had important moments together, and the list goes on. They did everything together and were as close as peas in a pod. 

Balam was the bolder, energic, always active one. She enjoyed doing the dirty work just as much she enjoyed dressing up. "Fashionable doesn't mean uncomfy" and "You touch one of my dresses? You won't touch anything else ever after" were her favourite quotes from herself.

Danbi, on the other hand, was generally more silent. Well, she liked listening better. She enjoyed sports, food and sleeping. 

Jisung could consider lots of servants as part of the family too.

In his home, there was a general sense of family and security, and nothing could disrupt it.


-You sure you aren't in heat?- asked Balam out of the blue, while contemplating some of her brother's clothes.

-What the fuck Balam! Why?-

-I mean, I saw you jerking off the other d--

-Aahhhhh I don't want to hear it!- screamed Danbi from the other side of the room.

-Then put some wax in your ears!-

-Don't worry. I'm sorry to wreck your beliefs, but your voice isn't as graceful as the mermaids'.-

-What the fuck should it mean?-

And so on. Jisung was already tired of it. The last days were hectic for him. Even more for his mind. All the preparations for his birthday, his presentation, his marria-

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