"Then why doesn't she tell us" Lucas says anger visible in his tone. He looks at the young girl before stepping towards her. "Do you know where he is" Lucas questioned looking at the girl as the others walked closer to her. "Do you know where he is" Lucas repeated screaming at the girl and grabbing a hold of her shoulders shaking her.

The girl looked at the three boys and older girl with wide eyes. "Stop it your scaring her" Mike yelled at his friend. "She should be scared if you know where he is tell us" Lucas screamed back as he glared at Mike then looked at the girl sternly. "Boys that's enough a testosterone battle will take us no where" Carmen said standing next to Dustin curiously looking at the girl who sat tight lipped.

"This is nuts we have to take her to your mom" Lucas argued looking at Mike then at Carmen. Carmen didn't meet Lucas eyes instead she just stood there looking at the wall thinking about how she got herself in this mess. "No Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger" Mike explained talking as fast as he could.

"What kind of danger" but Dustin and Carmen asked at the same time. "Her name is Eleven" Lucas asked completely ignoring the previous question which was much more important. "El for short" Mike answered again not answering the question leaving Dustin and Carmen anxious.

"Yes she has a really cool tattoo of it but Micheal" Carmen explained quickly then sternly turned to look at her brother. He looked back at her dumbfounded. "What kind of danger" Dustin asked again adding emphasis on the word danger. "Danger danger" Mike explains forming a gun with his fingers a aiming it at his sister and curly haired best friend.

The older girl rubbed her face in frustration as her turned to Lucas doing the same. "I should be out shopping for that new revlon lipstick color I saw not here with you nerds in this mess" Carmen whined running her fingers through her soft hair.

Lucas in anger slams his hand away. "No no no" Lucas yelps repeatedly glancing at his friends. "We are going back to plan A we're telling your mom" Lucas runs towards the door pushing his friends out of the way.

As he opens the door it abruptly closes making a loud slamming noise. Carmen's eyes widen in fear she glances at Dustin seeing the same look on his face. Lucas try's to open the door again but he fails as it shuts violently causing some items to fall to the ground. They watch as the lock turns by itself meaning they were locked inside the room.

Slowly their heads turn to see the young girl who now stood at the edge of the bed with blood trickling out of her nose. "No" Eleven says firmly looking at each and everyone of them.


Dinner came around before the kids and Carmen could comprehend that the young girl in their basement had superpowers. I mean they all knew the girl was rather odd with her tattoo and buzzed hair and the fact they found her in the woods at night the same night Will went missing but having telekinesis was not what they expected.

The dinner table was rather quiet and awkward. You could only hear the noise of the forks hitting the plates. Carmen sits much closer to Holly since the two boys had joined them for dinner. She was wiping the table where Holly had just spilled all her juice.

Karen noticed that her children and their friends are acting strange just tossing the food around with their forks. "Something wrong with meatloaf" she asks watching them closely. Carmen takes a sip of her milk before taking a bite of her meatloaf.

"Oh no I just had two bologna sandwiches for lunch I don't know why" Dustin tried to explain smiling at the older women. "Me too" Lucas chuckled placing his fork back down and turning to Karen.

"It's delicious mommy" Nancy says looking at her mother sweetly. "Thank you sweetie" Karen thanks her oldest daughter before taking a sip of her wine. "How was cheer practice Carmen" Karen asks looking at the girl who was pouting as she played with her food. "I actually didn't go because one of the boys in the basketball team keeps staring at me like I understand I look amazing in my cheer uniform but eww creepy" Carmen ranted wanting nothing more than to get rid of the blonde guy who constantly asks her out.

She honestly hated missing cheer practice she loved dancing around and gossiping with the other girls. Yet, this boy was persistent in talking and watching the girl so she had missed two practices already. "Oh honey you should tell the principal" Karen said to her watching her drink her milk.

"No I'm hoping that the less he sees me the less interested in me he'll be" Carmen stated looking at the Mike who looked at her in disgust. Mike knows that most of the boys are after his sister but it was a bit gross to have to listen about. "So there's this special assembly thing tonight for Will at the school field" Nancy  said changing the subject looking directly at Carmen.

At first the girl looked at her sister confused but then realized this was about Steve's party. "Mom we have to totally go to show our support to the Byers.. Barb said she would drive us" Carmen said wiping the corner of her lip with a napkin. "Why am I just hearing about this" Karen asked cutting into her meatloaf. The two older sisters looked at each other hoping the other would answer.

"I thought you knew" Nancy answered with her eyebrows arched. "I told you I don't want you out after dark until Will is found" Karen stated sternly looking at both of the girls. " I know I know but It'd be super weird if we aren't there  I mean everyone's going" Nancy insisted as Carmen nodded in her support.

Karen looks at both girls a worried expression in her face. Carmen looks at her with soft eyes almost puppy like hoping to convince her. "Just be back by 10:00" Karen said going back to her food. "We will Thank you mommy" Carmen said and Nancy nodded grinning at her sister.

"Why don't you take the boys too" Karen added looking at the boys who were quick to protest. "No" Mike screamed as The other two boys shook their heads dramatically. "Don't you think you should be there for Will" Karen adds as they all turn to look at the boy.

Mike spills milk out of his mouth wetting his shirt. Carmen turns to look at what he was looking seeing the young girl walking down the stairs she groans glaring at Mike hoping he'd do something. Karen turns to see what her children were looking at but before she could fully turn Dustin slams his fist on the table to catch her attention.

"Sorry spasm" he nervously says smiling at Karen. Holly sinks in her chair in fear of the loud noise. "Hey it's ok Holly it's was just Dustin being a butt head" Carmen soothingly said rubbing her shoulders. Noticing the hidden girl long gone.

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