My heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name. "J-Jorgeous is waiting for me...?"

Alyssa nodded, keeping her demeanor calm. It was soothing. "She is. She has something for you."

I thought about it, still really not wanting to go but also not wanting to disappoint Jorgeous. I took a shaky breath. "You're gonna go with me...?"

"Of course. I'm going to walk you up." Alyssa promised. She let me think about it, and I slowly and shakily took her hand.

I hesitated before finally nodding. "O-Okay..." I whispered. "Only if you promise it'll be okay."

"I promise, Orion. I promise it's going to be perfectly okay." Alyssa linked her pinky finger with mine, and I felt just a little better.

I let her help me to my feet, my hands shaking as I grabbed my camera bag and hung it over my shoulder. Alyssa linked her arm with mine to lead me out of the room, and I kept my eyes focused on the floor. If Jorgeous was there, then I'd be okay. Jorgeous wouldn't let anything bad happen.

Alyssa led me up to the top floor and I stopped immediately when seeing the door to the roof. It was like my legs completely locked up, and I shook my head quickly. "L-Lyssa I can't do it..." I whined softly, gripping onto her arm.

"You can do it, I believe in you." Alyssa said gently. She pulled away, holding both arms out this time. "Come on. We'll go together."

I stared at her before taking a shaky breath, dropping my head onto her shoulder and letting her lift me up. I prayed no one would see, letting her carry me the rest of the way to the door.

She gently nudged it open with her hip, placing me down. "I'll be right here waiting if you need me. Now go see Jorgeous."

Before I could start really panicking about the fact that I was back on the roof, my wife was calling out for me.

"Orion~" Jorgeous said happily, running into my arms. I jumped, heart pounding as I tried not to look around.

"B-Baby I don't want..." I paused when I finally looked up, taking in the scene around me.

The dark around us was litten up by little candles Jorgeous had presumably set up, blankets and pillows laid out in the middle. I stared at it before looking back down at her. "Did you...?"

"I kinda read the criteria for your assignment..." Jorgeous said a little nervously, hiding her face in my chest. "It said the photos should include soft lighting and a peaceful atmosphere in your assigned setting. So I did this. I thought maybe we can turn a bad memory into a good memory."

My eyes filled up with more tears, but not panicked ones like they were just a couple minutes ago. I smiled a little, laying a hand on her cheek. "You didn't have to do that..."

Jorgeous beamed, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me down to her height. "But I did." She emphasized with a kiss on my lips that I gladly gave in to.

After a few moments she pulled away, giggling softly as she took my hands. "Now come take your pictures. I picked out a new lingerie set just for this assignment."

I let her lead me out farther onto the roof. I was expecting to be absolutely terrified, but her touch had me feeling so relaxed about this. "Miss Monsoon probably questions why so many pictures I take include you."

"Just tell her I'm your muse if she asks." Jorgeous winked before lifting her shirt off. She wasn't exactly wrong. At this point, she definitely was.

I set up my camera as she laid down on the blankets, making herself comfortable. I focused on her instead of looking over at the edge of the roof, smiling a little as I snapped the pictures.

There was a lump in my throat, but not a bad one. One that was caused by me holding back tears because I had so much love and adoration for the girl in front of me. She was everything I could ask for and more. She made life so beautiful, she made the future worth waiting for. She lit up my life more than anything else.

When I finished taking the pictures, I settled down beside her, wrapping my arms around her waist and holding her close to me. Everything around me disappeared when I held her, as if just her touch put me in a trance.

I traced my finger over her hip, head resting on top of hers. "Thank you..." I whispered quietly.

Jorgeous tilted her head up to look up at me. "For what, baby?"

I took a shaky breath, so many emotions running through my head. "...For everything. This place has such a bad memory attached to it and somehow you completely turned it around and made me feel safe. Whenever I don't feel like enough, you make me feel like I'm more than enough. I have no idea how much you mean to me. You're my angel."

Jorgeous gazed up at me before smiling. "Baby you're gonna make me cry-" She pressed a kiss to my lips, holding my face in her hands. I wrapped my arms tighter around her, not ever getting tired of this feeling.

I licked my lips when we pulled away, raising a hand to her face and tracing my thumb over her bottom lip. "I do kinda have to admit something to you..."

Jorgeous leaned her head against my hand. "What is it?"

Saying this out loud was definitely going to be embarrassing. "I, uh..." I looked away. "You were like, kinda like, well. That day you kissed me for the first time, in the rain, that was our first kiss, but it was also my first kiss in general."

Jorgeous's eyes widened before she smiled, letting out a squeal. "Aw baby why didn't you tell me that sooner?-" She giggled, making me blush. "That's so cute~"

I hid my face in one of the pillows she had brought out. "It's embarrassing-"

"I think it's adorable." She giggled some more, hooking a leg over my waist and pulling herself closer. "My sweet Ry-Ry, I love you so much."

I smiled, brushing our lips together. As long as I was by her side, there was nowhere else I'd rather be. "I love you too."


God I love these two so much. Hope you enjoyed the fluff as much as I did

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