Just Friends - Part 1

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"Hurry up and get settled in, the Conklins and Fishers are coming over for dinner soon!" Your mom leaned against the doorway to your room.

They had arrived earlier in the day yet you haven't unpacked your things yet. Your heart fluttered at the thought of seeing Conrad in just a few minutes. You stood from your spot on the bed, pushing your mom out of the room and shutting the door, a goofy smile fixed on your face.

You've always had the biggest crush on Conrad, it was pretty obvious to everyone. Well everyone except Conrad.

You couldn't help it, Conrad has always had a soft spot for you. When the guys never wanted to include you or Belly in their plans, Conrad was always quick to invite you both, even if the others got annoyed about it.

Conrad always saved the best muffins for you. Always brought an extra jacket to the beach because you were always too stubborn to bring your own. Even if Conrad wouldn't admit it, he cared deeply for you.

You rushed to make yourself presentable, pulling your hair out of the birds nest of a bun you had and brushing it out.

This is it, you've been waiting all year to see her Conrad again. To be in cousins with your best friends, having the time of your lives.

A knock on your door pulled you from your thoughts, You tore your eyes away from the mirror and turned to see your bother, John peeking his head into the door.

"Hey, Fisher's are here. Just thought you should know." He smirked at you, his words seemed innocent but you knew he was teasing you.

"Oh stop it. I'll be right down." You rolled your eyes closing the door behind him.

You glanced at the mirror one more time, tucking your hair behind your ear. After one final deep breathe you opened your door and made your way downstairs.

You walked into the kitchen to see Susannah talking to your mom at the island. You grinned widely at the sight of the woman that was practically your second mother. Susannah and Laurel always treated you like their own daughter, it was amazing honestly. We were like one giant family.

"Hi!!" She grinned, standing from the stool and wrapping her arms tightly around you.

"You are so big oh my goodness!" She pulled back, holding your shoulders in her hands. She turned her head to your mom and whispered. "She's beautiful!"

Your mom rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Don't tell her that too often, she'll get a big head." She teased.

"The boys are in the living room, choosing what movie you guys are going to watch tonight." Susannah pushed you towards the living room before continuing her conversation with your mom.

You crept towards the living room. John and Jeremiah were sitting on the couch with their back towards you. Your eyes landed on Conrad who was one one of the side chairs. Nobody noticed you walk into the living room, all their eyes still glued to the screen.

"Hey!" You announced your presence in the room. All their heads turned to face you.

Jeremiah was off of the couch in seconds, wrapping his arms around you tightly.

"Look at you! So grown now, huh?" He laughed.

"Jere I'm older than you, fuck off." You laughed pushing him off of you. Your eyes landed on Conrad who was now standing up, staring right back at you. Jere sat back down on the couch talking to John, but you couldn't focus on anything but Conrad.

You were frozen in your spot, standing with your mouth slightly open, unsure of what to say. Conrad walked towards, stopping mere inches away from you.

"Hi." You whispered loud enough for him to hear.

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