Chapter 10 - Changing the Worlds

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The training simulators did not do the workings of the spaceship justice. During her several week long trip to Krypton, Lena explores every nook and cranny that the crew will allow. No one dismisses her curiosity, each crew member taking the time to explain their responsibilities and the process to complete them. By the time she arrives on Krypton, Lena thinks she's ready to rebuild a faster than light engine or at least give it a good try.

Lena's the first off the ship though none of the other kids try to stop her. It could be the air of Luthor authority she exudes, but more likely it's weeks of her babbling about Kara during shared mealtime. Either way, Lena is at the front of the line when the gangplank lowers and out the door as soon as J'onn says, "Go ahead."

How is it possible that Kara got even more beautiful since they parted? Lena gives that no further thought, just rushes to Kara's arms, thudding into her as the Kryptonian's breath rushes out, and Kara staggers back under the force.

"Are you okay?" Lena asks, peeking up but unwilling to loosen her grip. She's had this dream numerous times since they parted - and also other dreams with Kara that didn't involve them being surrounded by a crowd of people. .

Kara grins down at her. "Fine, but you're a lot stronger than you look when I'm not invulnerable."

Lena is not in the least bit dissuaded. She wraps her arms all the tighter around Kara, adding new memories to those she has so carefully categorized. While Kara holds her in return, she's enveloped by warmth and a scent that had begun to fade from the robe Kara left behind.

"Ahem." The girls startle apart at another voice. A man and woman, both brunette, regal, and smiling, watch them with amusement, but it's the woman who says, "I think it's safe to assume this is the famous Lena Luthor you've been going on about unendingly. Are you going to introduce us to your friend, Kara?"

Kara intertwines her fingers with Lena, and Lena holds back just as firmly, not eager to end the physical contact.

"Yes. Lena, these are my parents. Ieiu, Ukr, this is my girlfriend, Lena Luthor." The word spills proudly from between the smile on Kara's lips. "I stayed with her family on Earth, and she showed me all the wonders of the world." Kara pulls Lena's hand to her lips, applying a gentle kiss. "It's an amazing world, but nothing there was as amazing as her."

Krypton proves to be just as wondrous as Lena imagined. Weeks before she leaves for Earth, Kara pulls her into a conversation about the future, one Kara has already had with her parents.

"I can't say they liked it, especially after Alex didn't come home, but they understand." They sit side-by-side on Kara's bed, fingers intertwined. "I told them that when you leave, I'm heading back to Earth again. They'll miss me, but it's time for me to grow up and choose my own future. I think I can do a lot of good on your world."

"You can do a lot of good anywhere." Lena presses a kiss to Kara's lips. "With the success of the exchange program, there will be a ship traveling between our worlds annually. We can come back and visit them soon, maybe next year."

"We," Kara says.

Lena chuckles. "Was that in question?"

"I guess I just wanted to make sure that coming here didn't change your mind in any way. It's one thing to date an alien, but it's another thing to date," Kara gestures around them to the view out her window, to the glow of the protective dome over Argo City and the Crystal Mountains in the distance, "an alien."

"Darling," Lena strokes her face, "I'm the alien here, the girl who still can't properly conjugate her plural, future tense verbs that are... reflexive?"


"Ugh, so hard." Lena scrunches up her face, and Kara smiles. "Has that made you any less intent on having a future with me?"

"No. You keep trying and growing every day, and that's just one of the things I love about you."

"Well, it's settled then. You and I are a stuck with each other." They kiss deeply, lovingly, without hesitation, and when they part, Lena sighs. "Imagine what we can do, a Zor-el and a Luthor, working together. We can change the world."


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