#2 (Introduction)

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Today is the day I'm going to official join the Dream Smp!

I roll out of bed and head towards the bathroom that's attached to my bedroom. I grab my brush and start brushing out my hair while putting on my fall playlist. Yesterday was the first day of fall which means today is September 23.

I'm that annoying kid who has too many playlist. I have playlist for every place and time. Fall, summer, winter, spring, sad, happy, main character, marvel, outsiders, alternative, 80's, 90's, Christmas, Fourth of July, early 2000's, country, and of course my playlist dedicated to Taylor Swift.

Once I've finished brushing my hair and teeth, I head to my closet to pick out my outfit.

Something you will find out about me are outfits are a crucial part to my life. If I have a good outfit I'll feel happier, if my outfit is poorly put together my day and attitude will go bad as well. My grandparents are very wealthy people so I'm lucky that for the six years I've lived with them I've never had to worry about money.

I pull out a plain white crop top and a baggy pair of jeans and then a light purple jacket to put over. I also wear my gold necklace and throw on some gold rings as well. I then put my hair in a purple claw clip and then I feel like I've accomplished something for today.

When I was younger and just moved in with my grandparents I dealt with a lot of mental health problems more than I do now so getting ready for the day was a difficult challenge. So being able to do so without struggling feels like a huge achievement.

Another fun fact about me is I have a history with depression. If you were wondering.

I look at the time and see I have fifteen minutes till Dream said he will be in the Minecraft world. I walk over to my computer and decide to start my stream now.

"Hello everyone welcome, welcome." I say while waving my hands towards the screen with a huge smile on my face. An actual genuine smile. When I'm streaming I'm always happy. Which is why my grandparents support me streaming so much because they see how happy I am while doing it.

I see my chat spamming hi, hellos, how are you, and nothing but love throughout the chat. Which I know there will be hate coming in eventually sometime during my stream so right now I'll be very grateful for all the love.

"Today stream" I say while clasping my hands together.

"I have some exciting news chat I will be drum roll please" I say while drumming my desk. "I WILL BE JOINING THE DREAM SMP"

I sit talking to my chat while watching my screen load into the world. "Dream said he'll be on in five minutes to give me my tour so in the mean time I don't really know what I'll do"

My character loads into the world, finally. My Minecraft skin is basic because I didn't have the patience to keep scrolling to find a better skin. My skin is a blonde girl with blue eyes in a duck costume.

I realize soon my character is in a box and I'll have to parkour my way out. It took me a good minute but I eventually got out. I look over to my chat and see them freaking out that I'm actually on the Dream Smp.


"Well chat looks like someone's eager to talk to me" I say while laughing after and clicking on the vc.

"WOMEN" I hear Tommy yell and immediately cover my ears at the loud voice booming through my headphones.

"Tommy don't Harass the poor girl" I hear another voice say and I look to the discord and see that Wilbur is also in it with us, so the voice must belong to him.

Butterfly's In Brooklynn (Tommyinnit x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt