Dont mind what Im doing

Tanjiro's POV:


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Oh shit Susjiro is mad 

Tanjiro's POV: There must be a way to murder her. . . Why does this keep on happening?!

He's literally furious rn. Zenitsu walks to him

Zenitsu: Hey, Tanjiro? Are you okay? You seem angry.

Tanjiro looks at him. He starts to blush a little.

Tanjiro: O-Oh! Zenitsu-san! What brings you here?

Zenitsu: I just wanted to check up on you. You seem kind of angry. . . What happened?

Tanjiro: Oh uhm. . . I'm just stressed out. . . B-But don't worry! I can calm down!

Zenitsu looked at him and sighed

Zenitsu:. . . Do you want a hug?

Tanjiro: Oh! Sure!

They both hugged. Finally, Tanjiro calmed down.

Zenitsu: Are you feeling better now?

Tanjiro: I am! T-Thank you. . .

Zenitsu: You're welcome! I better get going now though. Talk to you later!

Zenitsu went back to his seat

Tanjiso's POV:

Zenitsu looked at Tanjiro in his seat. He smiled at him. No Tanjiro did not see him

Zenitsu's POV:
. . . Seeing Tanjiro blush is really entertaining. . .

(Nope they still haven't found out eachother's feelings yet)

It's already recess okay can you not I have small ideas

What da Tanjiro doin? He's stalking his target with french fries. What I meant to say is that Tanjiro's target was hanging out with Zenitsu. He's spying on them

Hikari: Thanks for inviting me to eat with you. . . Honestly, I had no friends to eat with. . .

Zenitsu: Eheh! Well you do have one now!

Tanjiro's POV:
"Friends"? "Friends"?! What does she mean by that?! Why does Zenitsu-san needs friends when he only has me?!

Inosuke: What the fuck are you doing in there Monji-ass

Tanjiro: I-Inosuke! Y-Y-You shouldn't be here!

Inosuke: Lmao why

Tanjiro: I had something important to do okay?!

Inosuke: Something important? Like staring at Monitsu?

Tanjiro: Stare wha? Pfft no, I was hiding from the Teacher because uhm- Uhh- I got in trouble!

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