No both Challenge

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•No Both Challenge
°Internal Preferences
* Random

|A Thread|

√ Sunset or sunrise?
√ alone or with someone else?
√ Singing or dancing?
√ Dark room or not?
√ cold room or not?
√ Day or night?
√ midnight snacks or breakfast?
√ bathing with cold water or not?
√ sweet foods or Junk foods?
√ wearing oversize t-shirt or fitted?
√ gadgets or books?
√ longsleave or hoodie?
√ shoes or sandals?
√ private personal life or public?
√ listening music or watching television?
√ traveling with family? Friends? Or alone?
√ talkative or not?
√ playing guitar or playing piano?
√ province or city?
√ mysterious or bright?
√ nightmare or pleasure?
√ silence or noise?
√ fearful or weird?
√ archangel or warewolf?
√ mafia boss or alpha?
√ wine or juices/ water?
√  winter or rainy season?
√ lunar eclipse or solar eclips?
√ solo artist or not?
√ romance or horror?
√ original language or second language?
√ your mom or your dad?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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