Chapter two My turning

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I was twenty two and living in Paris. Lestat had gone off with a Nicholas or Nikki fellow. I wasn't too hurt me being In the the same city as him! I stayed across the street from his hotel. I was out one night with Lesat after his show. "Marie it is truly wonderful to see you. we never get to see one another!". "Oh Lestat, I know I've been busy with work! Being a seamstress is hard work! I've been rather lonely since I can't see you because of your shows... I wish I could have a lover. Sadly with my job I have no time for dating." I said sadly. "Marie always doing too much at once." Lestat sighed smiling. I rolled my blue eyes. I felt like someone was watching us... following us. I whispered to Lestat that I thought we were being followed. Lestat rolled his eyes. "Marie you are being paranoid." Lesat said. I kept walking "no Lestat I seriously think-" I turned to where Lesat was only to find air. I whipped around still no sign of Lestat. I herd footsteps from behind me. I turned to not Lestat but an older man with hair and eyes colored raven. "hello, I'm sorry that I must do this but-" the man said before knocking me on the side of the head so hard I collapsed and fainted. I woke hours later in a hotel. The man who kidnapped me walked over to me. "I never thought of an heiress!" He exclaimed happily knocking the side of his head with his hand. I was tied to a chair hands and legs tied. The man stalked over to me and bit my neck. I screamed in pain. After I was about to meet death the man bit into his wrist and shoved it into my mouth. His blood was the sweetest thing to pass my lips. My mouth sucked on his wrist wanting more. The man ripped his wrist from my mouth. I felt a searing pain and felt ill. My heart slowed to a stop and I fell into a deep sleep. I awoke soon after wide awake and hungry. "I am very hungry." I said looking at the man on the far corner of the room. "Oh, oh course you are!" The man said happily. "the most beautiful vampire I've ever made in my existence!" He said. "Vampire?" I asked. " yes a creature of night. you can only walk in the night and only drink blood." he said. "may I look at myself?" I asked. He untied me and nodded showing me a mirror. I stared at my reflection. I changed to were I no longer looked liked Lestat. My face was wider, my eyes were rounder, my forehead my a bit smaller. My eyes were brighter, and some veins showed on my forehead. I raised a hand to my cheek and my fingernails were long and sharp they looked made of glass. My face had no color I was drained or my human qualities.

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