
After hanging up the phone with the ass director, Shen Minglang looked at his parents behind him.

Xu Enzhen said, "Mingming, did you properly remind him?"

Shen Minglang nodded and said, "Well, it's settled, they promised to re-release a version."

"That's good, that's good." Xu Enzhen finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled gently: "This way, we can give justice to that child."

Father Shen, who was sitting on the sofa, said, "That child Xingchen, how old is he? He still calls his family to complain! How insulting!"

Just in the afternoon, Shen Xingchen, who finally got his mobile phone secretly, complained and called the landline at home, and complained like a primary school student for a long time. There were two specific points. The first was that one of his roommates had worked hard to win the game, but there were not many scenes given to him. The second was to sue the program team for malicious editing and bullying of his little brother, which was unbearable.

Xu Enzhen comforted her husband: "What fart are you talking about, the child is wronged outside, why can't he tell the family. If the child really swallows the wronged words, can you be happy?"

Father Shen snorted coldly but didn't say anything.

The family-style of the Shen family is to protect the people they care about. Shen Minglang dislikes his younger brother for being like a primary school student, but he still contacted the program team immediately to deal with this matter.

After finishing calling, Shen Minglang sat down on the sofa and asked his mother, "You seem to like that kid Jian Xingsui very much, what's the reason?"

Xu Enzhen was suddenly questioned and remained stunned for a while. She then recovered, and smiled lightly: "Mingming, maybe you don't know, but this child, he looks really similar to you and your brother. As soon as I saw him, I felt as if I saw you and your brother. I felt like he was my own child."

Shen Minglang looked at his mother with a slight smile and suddenly became a little ecstatic.

Back then, when Xu Enzhen was pregnant with her third child, it wasn't actually the best time to get pregnant. At that time, she was a little weak, but she persisted all the time. After giving birth, she, unfortunately, bled heavily. At that time, everyone was in chaos, but they didn't expect that after rescuing the pregnant woman, bad news came from the incubator. The child who was expected by everyone, and Mrs. Xu gave birth to risking her life, suffered a cardiac arrest the night after he was born.

Xu Enzhen suffered from postpartum depression. In severe cases, she even had hallucinations and started talking nonsense. Many times, she would wake up from a dream, and then tell her family that she felt that her youngest son was not dead.

The Shen family saw the pain in her heart.

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