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She didn't require a feeling of safety from others. It went against her job description in too many ways to count. But in Steve's arms, she knew she had it. Ear pressed to his chest with his arm round her shoulders, hers carelessly flung across his waist, she felt safe. Lulled by his even breathing, the hollow sounding heartbeat, his thumb dragging across the curve of her shoulder, she could fall into a deeper sleep than she usually allowed herself.

But even in the deepest sleep, she woke suddenly, silently.
Her phone had beeped, and she removed her arm from across Steve's body to reach behind her for it.
Shielding him from the light as best she could, she read the message.


It wouldn't be too long - a couple hours, tops - but he needed her help, now.
She carefully slipped out of the loose embrace she was being held in, pressed a quick kiss to his lips and rolled out of the bed to change in the darkness.
Through all this, he didn't move, didn't speak - as though still asleep.
She made little noise, and didn't turn on the light, as though respecting that.

They both knew better.

Good Bye (Romangers) To Be by orphan_accountWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu