"What a brat." Scratch spat, flabbergasted. "What, does she think she deserves you or something? Geez." His brain was doing that thing again where it gave him feelings like he was remembering a certain event but with no memories attached. "Trust me Moll, stay away from people like that."

Molly looked from her best friend to her bully and narrowed her eyes. "You know you aren't entitled to me just because you're rich, right? I'm allowed to say no."

An inhuman gasp escaped the figure making its leave. "Ex-CUSE you?!" The girl's head snapped around with an expression not dissimilar to the one she wore Molly's first day, when she mispronounced her name. She, and even Scratch, shrunk back.

"Euch..." The ghost shuddered to himself. "How'd she do that...-"

"You think that just because I'm rich I don't have feelings?!"

"I- I never said that-?"

"Well I do!" Andrea held her fist by her sides and a hand to her chest. "And I worked hard for my fanbase too!"

"...Again, never said anything ab-"

"All I wanted was to ask out a cute girl at school! I tried so hard for you and you just embarrassed me like that!"

"Wh- I embarrassed you? What about you putting me on the spot like that in front of everyone, huh?" Molly snapped, stalking forward a few steps and gesturing wildly. "What about you trying to bribe my family?!"

Andrea didn't even seem to hear her she was so busy in her own rant. "That was all I wanted- just one nice thing and you couldn't even let me have that! I don't even want for much! I only have 2 closets for crying out loud! And now you're saying it's my fault?! Like I'm the bad guy?! I did everything right! I bought you a bracelet, I offered you money, WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU TO PAY ATTENTION TO ME?!" Tears had started to form in Andrea's eyes now- real ones this time, Scratch confirmed it. Despite her half-hearted attempts to tilt her head back and fan at her eyes, she was too emotional for it to do much good. Dramatic streaks of black began to stain her cheeks.

"...I don't think we're getting anywhere here." Molly whispered to herself, feeling...incredibly empty all of a sudden. The wriggling worm of guilt tried to slither up her throat, but today it didn't quite have the energy. Instead it lay heavy and still in her stomach. It didn't exactly feel good watching Andrea break down...but it also didn't feel good to have it confirmed that she was seen as just an object. Like a reward in a video game that pressing all the right buttons would unlock. Something about Andrea right now felt so far away. Like her words would never reach her within their lifetimes.

"No use arguing with the rich, Moll. They're from another planet."

...Molly wasn't too sure she agreed with that. Everyone could be good and anyone could enhappify. Andrea certainly had the spirit...at times. Maybe not for the right reasons, but it was there. She didn't think the girl was irredeemable or that she wouldn't ever change. But right now...

Andrea was busy trying to blow her nose as daintily as possible with Davenport branded tissues. Between her slightly exaggerated-sounding sobs she was whispering things to herself about how she didn't deserve this. Molly lowered her head and pulled out her phone.

"She's really not gonna do this on her own. Is she." There wasn't any point in pretending it was a question. Scratch shook his head next to her. She sighed.

"Alright Davenport, listen up." She announced loudly. Andrea looked down from the skies with a glower.

"What?! Can't you see I'm trying to cry here?! God, some people..."

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