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     A few days later, you realized that Venti was not, in fact, able to keep his promise about not making you pay. Although to be fair, he never did promise. He had called you a few moments ago to let you know that he had reserved a private sector of a fancy restaurant, so that you both could meet Kaede and proceed with contract signing, which all sounded good to you... Except the fact that he told you on the night of.

     Picking out clothes last minute was a nightmare. Although you were a no-face singer, that didn't mean people didn't give your physical self any attention. Your father being one of Teyvat's most beloved male actors and your mother a top grade model, well, your appearance proved difficult to ignore. However, you couldn't dress up too casually to divert further attention, because, after all, you were going to the equivalent of a business conference. In the end, you went for a simple collared shirt under a baggy knitted sweater and a nice pair of jeans. Casual, but not to the point it was unacceptable. Inserting your hair pin to hide it amongst your bangs, its tiny gem adornment, no, your vision sparkled under the bright light, catching your attention.

     You chuckled as you remembered your favourite childhood TV show, the one about a fantasy world revolving around a fictitious, magical version of Teyvat, and selectively handed out elemental visions. Of course, you knew that visions in the real world were actually mini, superbly intricate microchips everyone had, that held your identity and information. You could use it as a credit/debit card, as it was linked to your bank accounts. It was your personal identification, like a passport for travelling. It was nothing like the magic enabling instruments in the show, hell, they were also at least a twelfth of the sizes shown. You were thankful for the last bit, however. It meant you could attach it to anything (in your case, a hair pin), with much ease.

     Visions are closely linked to their owners, as they are materialized just as their bearers are born. This meant it had various features such as no one being able activate someone else's vision without their permission, or how the glow of the visions may also fluctuate according to their bearer's present moods. The only thing about the physical appearance of a vision that may differ from person to person, is the symbol, the element residing in it. Taking form from the newly-born infant's first thoughts, the empty visions fill themselves with one of seven general elements that fits the most with the nature of these thoughts. Wasn't anything super important, it just ended up being an astoundly accurate version of the past-world's MBTI system. Yours, by the way, was a cryo vision, which meant you must have thought something very frigid as you were born. But no matter, if you lingered any longer on the thoughts of your childhood, you may very well end up late.

     Hopping out of your car, you entered the restaurant as fast as 'normal behaviour' would allow, not even sparing a glance at other people in case they may see your face as well. It's a good thing Venti had told you that he would be waiting in the private room on the second floor, so you knew where to go before someone noticed you. Knocking lightly, you waited anxiously as Venti eased the door open from the ground.


     You stared at him in disbelief, almost forgetting to close the door after you.

     "Venti.. Don't tell me you already got drunk before we even signed the contract."

     Venti jumped up from the floor where he was sprawled moments ago, smiling.

     "Hah! Got you!" He started laughing as he showed you to your seat. "Geez, you really have no trust for me Y/n! I may be a little unconventional, but that doesn't mean I'm unprofessional! You owe me a glass later on for that, my fair lady!"

     You shriveled up your nose in mock disgust, taking a sip of water from a cup that was already on the table.

     "Maybe you should stop working with Hu Tao."

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