taylor swift fan account

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hey,, hope you're doing okay :)

if you're not familiar with shifting, i recommend searching about it a bit. this is my personal mha script, but you can use it as a template for any dr you're shifting to. spaces that are blank or with x in my script are details or shit i don't want to share with strangers... sorry for hurting your feelings love you.

updates when i am not too busy doing absolutely nothing (sorry not sorry).

feel free to correct me or ask questions.

y e s   i   d i d   v o t e   m y   o w n   s t o r y   w i t h   t h i s   a c c o u n t   A N D   m y   p r i v a t e   a c c o u n t .

y e s   i   a m   d o w n   b a d.

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