Chapter 2

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Tuesday at school

"Ready for swimming Emily?" Matthew said

"Yeah I'm ready even though I might drown," Emily said as her tail moves side to side

"Aw your tail moves when your nervous but I'll help you," Matthew said petting my head

"Hey can I tell you a secret and don't share with anyone, especially those you are close to," Emily said quietly

"Sure go ahead I won't tell anyone," Matthew said bending to my level

"The truth is that I wear diapers and I'm afraid that I will get caught by Cleo and her friends so please don't tell anyone," Emily said

"So she wears diapers that's a perfect opportunity," Brittney said

"Your secret is safe with me does your brother know?" Matthew said petting my head

"Yeah he was the first one to tell then my parents but they're always too busy with work that I see them around let alone they hardly come home so it's just me and Azazel to eat by yourselves," Emily said looking down sadly

"You in middle school and still wears diapers talk about embarrassing?" One girl said
"Maybe her mommy and daddy probably change her before she goes to school lil baby Emily should be your name now" Another girl replied
"Just leave me alone" Younger Emily said as her hair turned red hot burning the girls
"Let's get out of here before we get caught," The three girls said running out of the room and leaving Emily alone
End of Flashback

"Hey, Emily you ok?" Matthew asked

"Yeah I'm ok just thinking about something," Emily said

"Something like what?" Matthew said

"It's nothing wanna head to homeroom?" Emily said sighing

"Oh good morning Emily and Matthew how are you doing today?" Mindy asked

"You know these two Emily?" Matthew asked

"Yeah they kinda embarrassed Cleo, Brittney, and Janice yesterday, and just like that we become friends in no time," Emily said

"Well, that's good Mindy your Jim's younger sister right?" Matthew asked

"Yep that's me a natural-born assassin," Mindy said

"So I'm guessing Samantha is Victoria's sister," Emily said

"Your right Emily but we welcome everyone but if you make her cry your dead meat," Mindy said

"Got it," Matthew said sitting down next to Emily

"Emily, did you pack you you know what?" Samantha asked

"Yes, I did when do we have swimming?" Emily asked

"Right after lunch," Matthew said

"Ok good because I don't want to be caught wearing you know what," Emily said

"I doubt that would happen if something bad happens you can call us," Mindy said watching Cleo, Brittney, and Janice walking into the classroom glaring at Mindy and Samantha

"They have the nerve to bring their face here after yesterday" Samantha said

"Guess they haven't learned their lesson" Samantha said glaring

A few minutes later during math class everything was going smoothly Cleopatra,Brittney and Janice were talking as usual but Brittney already know about my secret but decided not to say anything about it and continued talking with her friends. Emily was sitting next to Matthew and she was nervous about swimming lessons but the biggest fear of all were that Brittney would tell everyone at the pool about Emily secret.

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