Jk: what? Marriage

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Jk: what? Marriage...Mee....whom you choose ..... what the hell
Jin: it's up to you... I don't force you
If you afraid of loosing you can quit
Jk: deal done
But just help me to get a job in his office
Jin: but there is no vacancies
Jk: just get a job for me you know what I mean
Jin: Namjoon also working there I will ask him to help me...but on one condition you should pass the interview because he appoints his every employee by himself
Jk: oh okay leave it to me

Jin: hmmm very confident

Jk: I'm your brother hyung 😎

After that he met Jin's wife and left from there with out getting noticed by Taehyung because he scared that he can recognise him next time

A week later

Excuse me sir
Tae: get in

Jungkook was standing in front of Taehyung

Tae: please take your seat

As he was talking while eyes on laptop he streched his hand to receive file
But Jungkook didn't gave
Which made Taehyung to give a glance at him

To be frank

Jungkook lost his s
When he got eye contact with Taehyung

Tae: what? (Raised his eyebrow)Jk passed the fileTaehyung went through the file and nodded simply

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Tae: what? (Raised his eyebrow)
Jk passed the file
Taehyung went through the file and nodded simply

Jungkook was very nervous about the interview

Tae: so Mr... Jeon! Am I right
Jk: yes sir
Tae: tell me about yourself
Jk: I'm just a normal boy with zero expectations and goals just here wanted to get some experience and to develop my skills

Tae: hmm intresting
So you have no experience
Jk: maybe my fate written to be your worker for the first
Tae: do you believe that you will get a job here?
Jk: why not I think you are enthusiastic about my work that how a newbie could deal as a personal secretary to a famous businessman like you

Tae: you are very talkative

Jk: it'll help you in your bad moods

Tae: so should I appoint you?
Jk: I met the other people outside they are lazy than the snail
If you are interested in snails then it's up to you

Tae: over confidence

Jk: self-confidence

Tae: talking back even without getting a job?

Jk: you should need someone who advice you in critical time to reduce your stress not always the sheep could work

Tae: you may go Mr Jeon
If you are selected then you will receive a mail

Jk: nice to meet you Mr Kim
Have a nice day

Taehyung nodded

Jungkook left to his room

So Jeon Jungkook one of the famous rich kid in States
But not known in South Korea as he grew up there from the age of 12

He wants to do a job at kim to won the bet

It's not like necessary but yeah he is fucking competitive minded

He just wants to do a mess in Taehyung's life to won the bet

And about Jin he has something in his mind so he wanted Jungkook to loose the bet..

Jungkook was lying on the bed and scrolling the phone he just searching for the details about kim Taehyung to know more as he don't want to take help from his competitor

At night received mail from kim corporation that he was appointed


I'm appointed woooohhhhh

He dialled jin and almost made him deaf

Jin: aaaahhhhhh Jungkookah
You are breaking my ears
Jk: you are jealous right
Get ready to loose... you will be defeated by the great Jeon Jungkook

Jin: you will see the hell from now
You will run away by yourself to states

He is arrogant

Jk: oh I see.

Jin: did you met Namjoon there?
Jk: I didn't saw hyung there maybe he was in a leave

Jin: i called him for you
But after that he was not in contact
Jk: hyung can I ask you something?
Jin: hmmm what was that
Jk: why Namjoon Hyung didn't attended the marriage
Jin: he said he was busy and I didn't force him
Jk: his boss attended the party but he was busy?
Jin: I also don't get that
Jk: I will enquire that
Jin: ok take care kookie

Jk: bye hyung

Call ended

Jk was watching his ceiling after looking at Taehyung's pic for a while

Jk was watching his ceiling after looking at Taehyung's pic for a while

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Let me see your perfectness Mr Kim Taehyung

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