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reader POV: 

I was at home cleaning up my room when I heard my mom downstairs scream, I ran downstairs and my eyes widened in shock seeing Kyle's face bloody and bruised. I ran to him and I asked him an endless amount of questions. A couple of minutes later my mom was helping Kyle clean up his wounds. I was thinking about who did this and why to Kyle. 

(That night)

Kyle's POV: 

I was worried that if my mom would see this she'd go crazy, so I went to my loving girlfriend y/n.  I didn't expect the reaction but considering the amount of blood I had lost I didn't have enough of strength to tell her anything. She let me stay the night, her mother was very welcoming as well. 

(The next day)

Reader POV:

I was walking through the halls to get to my class talking with my friends, suddenly a crowd of people ran past. I didn't think much of it but I still followed behind. That was when I saw Kyle being hurt by some tall guy. The guy was calling him mean stuff. My blood boiled and my mind went to the worst thing, I wanted to attack the guy. I did and according to my mom a couple hours later I'm suspended permanently...heh 

Kyle's POV: 

Y/n and I had an argument, which is very uncommon but uhh here is how it went..."y/n what the hell was that!?" I shouted " He was the one hurting you why am I being yelled at!?" y/n shouted back. "you can't just attack people out of nowhere!", "I was helping you!". "I don't need your help!!" ...yeah I kind of feel bad she was only trying to help me, but she can't just use violence. 

Reader POV:

I have been overthinking about the argument alot, I mean I did hurt the guy but who wouldn't if their partner was being called slurs by some racist white jerk!? Anyway, I texted Kyle earlier this is how that convo went 

y/n: "hey"

Kyle: "hello"

y/n: "sorry i attacked the guy" 

Kyle: "thank you, sorry I yelled at you..."

y/n: "that's not your fault I was being a bitch"

Kyle: "thank you for beating him up, his mom made him apologize to me..."

y/n: "oh I know she was praising me."

Kyle: "wanna come over, my mom's not home"

y/n: "wow I didn't think you-"

Kyle: "we can watch a movie!"

y/n: "that...was exactly was I was thinking" 

(NEXT ONE IS 18+ SO...KEEP THAT IN MIND, also don't be racist. ) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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