laurel scooped him into a big hug. "jere! your hair is longer!" she pulled away to look at the boy she watched grow up. "i missed you." laurel was always good at noticing the smallest things.

"i missed you too lau- STEVE-O" jeremiah immediately ignored laurel and quickly waddled over to steven. they engaged in a stereotypical bro hug that ended in a wrestle fashion? they were on the ground.

"wow. i see how it is." laurel smiled at the two boys planted in the grass. "where's your mom jere?"

jere peeked his head up, "oh she's inside. she might be taking a nap." this was worrying to laurel. normally susannah would be waiting on the front porch with jeremiah.

belly and lucy got out of the car together and smiled down at the two boys laying in the grass. "awwww my favorite lovebugs reunited" lucia mocked and held out her hand to help jeremiah up. "hey dork."

"lucy!" he smiled and hugged her tight. the two swayed back and forth. jeremiah treated lucia as if she was his older sister. he went to her for advice and she'd always listen to his long-going rants.

once the two let go he ran over to belly and wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and spinning her around. "bellyyyyy buttonnnnn" he sing-songed and she laughed.

"jereeeee bearrrrr" she sing-songed back and laughed out of fear he would drop her.

lucy left them to catch up as she walked towards the front porch. steven must've already been inside, scoping out all the good snacks susannah would buy. the sound of a gate opening chimed and caught lucia's attention.

conrad fisher's back was turned towards lucia as he closed the gate behind him. "conrad!" she said sincerely, almost sounding relived to see him.

conrad quickly turned around as he ran his hand through his hair. he paused and looked at her for a second before he spoke. "luce!" he copied her tone and shot her a small smile. the second felt like forever to him, lucia didn't notice.

lucia got on her tippy toes and gave him a tight hug; he returned the favor and pulled a few strands of her hair into his hand. "highlights?" he asked, pulling away and messing her hair up before he dropped it.

"i needed some kind of change." she gave him a half smile and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"and you got your thirds done????" he was referring to her ear piercings. "you're like a new woman now." he mocked, raising an eyebrow.

lucy shook her head as she began walking over to the car. conrad followed. "please don't ever say that again."

"right." conrad agreed rethinking his statement. the two walked past belly and jeremiah; jeremiah running off to go be with steven.

"connie!" belly gave conrad a small smile and turned to walk with the two.

conrad looked over at isabel and gave her a small smile. "i liked you better with glasses."

"too bad." belly's smile faded, "i like me better without them."

"i think you look pretty either way." lucia reassured as she picked up her bags and headed toward the house.

last summer was the first summer things were different. laurel and her husband john got a divorce. it didn't bother the kids too much. lucia tended to get annoyed by him very easily however she questioned how abruptly their love for each other failed. john didn't stay 4th of july weekend. it was just laurel, susannah, the kids and mr. fisher.

mr. fisher wasn't around very much. he was always leaving his summer stays early for 'work.' susannah knew that wasn't the reason why.

belly and lucy used to share a room. so did conrad jeremiah and steven. now however, everyone was at the age where they needed more privacy and space. laurel and susannah shared the master bedroom and belly moved her things into susannah's childhood bedroom next to theirs. conrad moved his things into the guest bedroom and steven moved his things into a room downstairs in the basement. lucy and jeremiah kept their things in the two once shared rooms.

this summer was conrad and lucia's last summer before college. they were both still considering where they wanted to go. what they wanted to do.

conrad became quiet the summer before this one. susannah hadn't figured out why. she believed it could be because of her and adam, mr. fishers, problems. she could never get him to open up and she often relied on laurel or lucia.

lucia didn't go to school for a year. she reassured her mom she would figure it all out. her future that is. she always said she would let the blow of the wind take her where she needed to be. her fate was in the hands of a breeze. this didn't make any sense to laurel. in fact it worried her, although she couldn't help but be proud of the independent girl she raised.

jeremiah and steven were at the perfect age to get jobs. the country club down the street was always hiring for summer plus the boys needed money. this meant: parties. girls. boys. gas money. ect.

belly had spent the last couple summers in the dark. she wasn't old or 'cool' enough to go out with her older siblings. or the fisher's. lucia reassured her this summer would be different.

and it would.

❁ ❁ ❁

jacks speaks🌟

hi! i'm sorry the first few chapters are a
little slow:( i absolutely love going into detail
but i understand it drags lolll.
i promise things will start to pick up
within a couple chapters.
thank you<3

word count: 1401
date published: 6/29
thoughts/recommendations ??

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