Meet pt 2

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JUSTIN POV: As I arrived at the NSB house I could see Ryan coming outside of the house I got excited so when I got down from the car I instantly ran to Ryan and hugged him. I had missed him so much the most

Ryan: hey Justin
Justin: hey I missed you haha
Ryan: oh really? I didn't (sarcastically)
Justin: wowww so mean (pretending to be sad)
Ryan: just kidding I missed you too lol let me just get my stuff inside the house Cuase then we'll be figuring out who shares rooms
Justin:alright sounds good

**Later after settling in**

Oliver: okay so since we moved into this new house we now have to figure out who gonna share room

Everyone nods and agrees

Manger ty: okay so I was thinking maybe Ryan and Darren?
Ryan:no please not Darren someone else but Darren.
Darren:oh come on Ryan I know you want to..
Ryan:bro get this kid away from me
Manger ty:okay haha then Ryan and Justin and regie and Darren?
They all look at each other and agree
Manger ty: okay so then Sebastian and Kane and me and Oliver sounds good?
Everyone agrees

Ryan POV : omg I couldn't believe I'm gonna share a room with my crush ...


Justin POV: it was currently 11 pm all the boys were downstairs playing some game so I decided to go see what they were playing

Justin:hey guys
Darren:hey Justinnn...
Justin: what are you guys playing?
Kane:Super smash bros
Justin: bro you guys suck at that game
Regie : boy you can't even beat me what is you taking about
Justin:wanna bet ?


Justin: ughh how do you guys keep beating me
Regie : haha told ya so
Justin :whatever I'm heading to bed goodnight

Justin POV: I went back upstairs to go to bed
Me and Ryan we're gonna have to share a bed since the room wasn't that big . I opened the door and saw Ryan already asleep he looked so cute sleeping I stared at him for a bit but then crawled onto the bed and layed down next thing I know I was asleep...

HEY BESTIES I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far❤️! Let me know what other books you would like to see

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