Chapter 1.

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Evie POV.

I'm drinking tea with Uma and Mal we're talking about Mal and Ben's wedding.

Ben" Evie their you are I need your help.

Evie" What's up?

Ben" The Cheshire cat's Daughter has been um well let me show you.

Crystal POV.

These walls white as snow the floor black as night I'm locked in a cage as a bird would say.

I start dancing as music plays.

Evie POV.

I'm walking with Ben through the checkered hallway apparently she's crazy.

Evie" Isn't this a little to much I mean she's from Wonderland doesn't it make sense for her to be mad?

Ben" She's more mad then wonderland we thought you could help calm her down be a friend to her.

We look into a window and see a beautiful girl dancing her cat ears twitch and her tail swaying.

Crystal" Welcome to wonderland we have it all potions and pastries that make you grow tall forests and cottages and castles and cards that can talk.

She turns invisible and I look around to see where she'll appear.

I turn around and see her face covered in blood and she's looking wicked.

Crystal" *laughs* HI!

I blink and the blood fades away.

Ben" Crystal I brought you candy.

He holds a lollipop and she takes it she's like a child.

Ben" This is Evie she wants to be your friend.

Crystal" friend?

She looks at me with those cat like eyes and she tilts her head to the right.

Crystal" *meows*.

She disappears with smile being the last thing to be seen before it vanishes.

Ben" That's a process.

Evie" Are we just gonna ignore the blood?

Ben" She makes illusions to scare people she's full of magic but she's only ever done illusions.

We turn and see her jumping up and down on her bed.

Evie" *concern* I hope I can help her.

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