• I N F O R M A T I O N•

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It's been a week since the Zombie apocalypse started. The majority of people have been turned.

Incubation period after being bitten or scratched Can last between 10 minutes and 2 days.

There are a few different types of zombies.

Newborns: extremely fast, can run like a human. Depends on sight and sound to move around. Basically humans with a basic survival instinct to eat. Very dangerous, only killable with a shot to the heart or head. Usually only like this for a day after original turning point.

Boilers: medium paced. While make a brisk pace after you if you run. They are filled to the brim with boils that ooze and pop. Usually these are the ones who have been exposed to sun or heat for longer periods of time. If stabbed or shot these things Can and will explode. Careful not to get their juices in your eyes, mouth, or any open cuts.

Crawlers: these suckers are fast extremely so. They can climb walls and they have a tendency to stay in packs. They are deaf however and rely on sight to grab their prey. They are deaf because their eardrums pop during transformation.

Croakers: blind who make a croaking sound. they are slower than normal because of their sight. But they are extremely strong to make up for it. If one catches you, it will rip you to pieces. Their throats bubble up like frogs when they make noise and their throats are their weak points. Pop the bubble in their throat and they will go down. Tend to hide in dark, moist places.

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