Everyone and Their Brother

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Carlos Reyes is pretty sure there's some sort of divine force working against him. Today was supposed to be his interview day at the 126 for the open paramedic position and the fact that he had already slept through his alarm and spilled coffee on two separate shirts had him convinced that something was going to go wrong today.

He snuck a peek at the clock on his phone, 11:59am. He let out a sigh of relief as he quickly pocketed his phone and sprinted into the fire station. 

"Hey Reyes, you finally decide to show up?" Carlos was pulled from his frantic sprint as he looked up to see an amused Judd Ryder staring back at him from on top of the fire truck.

"You would not believe the morning I had Judd" Carlos responded as he waved to his old friend.

"Well you better get a move on then, you don't want to keep Captain Vega waiting. She's already down another paramedic today" Carlos wanted to ask what had happened to the other paramedic, but Judd was already ushering him up towards the Captain's office.

"Good luck kid, Vega's office is up the stairs and to the right" Judd said, and Carlos nodded before setting off towards the stairs.

He wrung his hand in his shirt, trying to ease the nerves pulsing through his mind before knocking on the door. "Come in" he heard from the other side.

"You must be Carlos Reyes" said Captain Vega, her kind smile welcoming him into the room.

"That's me, I'm so sorry for being late Captain" 

"It's alright Carlos, it gave me some time to finish my paperwork anyways. Take a seat" She said, motioning to the open chair sitting across from her desk.

"Now I'll be honest with you Carlos. You're one of the most impressive candidates I've interviewed, and I've heard great reviews from all your references. I do have to ask though, what made you want to leave the 124?"

Carlos' lips pressed together in a tight line. He knew this question would come up, but he didn't know how open this captain would be to his response. "As you can imagine Captain, it's hard to find a team where everyone is accepting of who you are. I just wanted a fresh start at the 126."

Captain Vega's expression turned into an understanding expression immediately, "I don't know what you've had to deal with at other stations Carlos, but I can tell you that no one here is going to treat you any differently. If they do, then you are always free to come talk to me about it."

Carlos' eyes widened as he processed the Captain's words, "Are you sure?" 

Captain Vega smiled at him, "Of course, I watch out for my team."

Carlos returned her smile, the pit in his stomach from earlier starting to disappear, "Thank you Captain."

"Now let's talk about that job offer"

"So Reyes, how'd it go?" Carlos smiled as he noticed Judd waiting by the bottom of the stairs for him.

"Captain Vega said this shift is my trial run" he said. Judd gave him a slap on the back, "Well welcome to the 126 Carlos, there's no way Tommy won't hire you after she sees you work this shift. Let me show you around."

Carlos let himself relax, as Judd started pulling him around the fire station.

"Ladder 126, Engine 126, Ambulance 126 report to a single vehicle accident on West Ave" 

"Reyes go help the victim, radio if you need anything" Carlos felt himself slip into his calm, confident demeanour as he ran towards the victim. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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