1 - Max B. x F!Reader

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♡ Requested by SurvivorOfLodge10

Two months spent in a cell had festered a feeling of rage inside her. Two months of her life had been stolen. Two months of what felt like gentle torture. She wanted her life back. She didn't care how she got it, as long as she did. That's why her and Laura were hunting Chris Hackett. It felt wrong to kill someone, but she no longer cared.

Laura was the one who was able to escape first. She freed her best friend from the cell and (Y/N) quickly went to free Max. It had been two months without his touch and she needed it. She missed him more than she thought she would. She wrapped him in a hug while Laura searched around for supplies.

But the reunion couldn't last forever. It was a full moon tonight. She had seen Max when he was a werewolf. Just barely did his claws grace her skin. It didn't hurt and now it was healed, but the experience had scarred her.

The same could not be said for Laura, however. Max had scratched her face and tore her eyeball right from the socket. (Y/N) was still chained up when Laura went to go stitch herself up. Laura used a loose brick from her wall to break the chain holding (Y/N), careful not to get too close to the cage.

Max intertwined his fingers with (Y/N)'s. They passed by Laura's cell and could see Officer Hackett unconscious. (Y/N) had been the one to find the syringe, but she was too nervous to actually inject him. Laura did not have this fear, however. She knew it was either this or to remain trapped.

Laura found a shotgun with some silver shells. She explained what they needed to do in order to cure Max. Max didn't feel right killing someone, but his girlfriend convinced him that this was the way it had to be.

Before they left, Max turned to (Y/N). "Hey... I just realized something."

She looked at her boyfriend. It had been so long since she had a good look at him. He was a little paler and he needed a haircut, but he still looked as handsome as when he first asked her out. "And what's that?"

"We're free," Max smiled. No more sitting in a cell. No more Travis scaring the living hell out of them. No more days of wondering if they would actually ever escape. They were free.

(Y/N) grinned. "Yeah... We are." She leaned forward and kissed Max. She'd wanted to do this for so long... She thought she might never get to again. It hurt, thinking about it. But it wasn't true.

"Well... That was worth the wait," Max replied, a tiny blush on his face.

(Y/N) shook her head. "No, it wasn't." Max and her laughed at this. Two months had been stolen from them... But they weren't going to dwell on that now. Right now, all that mattered is that they were free.

Laura had remembered seeing an island on the map. The three walked there. They had to use a canoe to actually get to the island, but that was fine. The werewolves were hydrophobic.

(Y/N) didn't want to leave Max, but they both knew it was for the best. They said their goodbyes and gave each other one last hug once night had come.

Laura felt sorry for her best friend. Seeing her expression fall as soon as they left the island... She patted her shoulder. "He'll be fine."

(Y/N) shrugged. "I hope so..."

Laura smiled softly at her. "I know he will be. Because you and I... We're gonna do this."

(Y/N) looked at her. She tried to smile, but she just wasn't feeling it. "You really think so?"

"I know so."


It took them a few hours to find him. But they did. They had been following him for a while, but he was quick.

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