not my business.

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Prostitution. That's your job. How this happened? You became buddy buddy with the workers and they said your beautiful skin color was perfect.

So there you are, in just a silk robe, not even tied together as you set out the different condom sizes and a tissue box to dispose of used condoms.

Your friend walks in, and puts your hair in the traditional prostitute hair style for your clients. You were booked to the max today. You worked at Tobita Shinchi (飛田新地), also known as Tobita Yūkaku (飛田遊廓). The busiest brothel in Japan, located in Western Japan.

Coming in for 10,000 yen just for 15 minutes, and 1,000 - 2,000 more yen for 30 minutes more. However most finish quick due to everyone being a "fancy Asian" iless but still.

You looked at the time, "Ah, it's time for my first client." you said.

Your friend wished you luck as she left, you sat down and rubbed lube on your genitals so it'll hurt less.

Your client came in and immediately stripped, knowing that this usually meant he wanted to make it quick because something came up, you laid down as he opened a condom packet, punched the tip of it, slid it on, and went to you.

Time skip because I don't wanna write nafw rn.

As soon as the day was up, you got into normal clothes, and started your walk home.

You counted your money as you walked, but heard a strange sound in the alley way, stopping and turning to see, you saw a man in a black outfit, and claws on his shoes and gloves. He turned to look at you. He was covered in blood, with a black and white mask. You could tell he instantly recognized you.

You quickly decided 'welp, this isn't any of my business.' and went into a local 24 hour store, grabbing some instant noodles and a marble soda. You left shortly after, making sure that weird dude didn't follow.

As soon as you got inside, you took a shower, got into pajamas, and went to sleep.

Japanese Prostitution. Kagekao x prostitute readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن