"I have been watching you for a while now Elly." He growled, pressing his lips at my ear as he whispered the words.

"Get off me." I screamed as he dropped his things and grabbed my wrists tightly.

"Now, Now Elly,that isn't very nice." He said as I kicked him.

He laughed, slapping my cheek.

"PLEASE LET ME GO!" I screamed as he continuesly punched my jaw line and slapping me, pulling at my hair.

It was like no-one coud hear my screams.

Like no-one was around anymore.

"Markus wouldnt be very happy would he? Very disapointed and guilty for not walking you in." He said to me, sniffing my hairline at the back of my neck.

"Who are you?" I asked him, fear making my voice shake.

"You dont recognise me?"

"I..I C..can't see your f..face."

The man, still standing infront of me, not giving me room to run past him, removed the hood from over this face, only to reveal the man himself.

"Jordan?" I whispered, in total shock, "I thought you were dead?"

"Not too pleased to see your boyfriends brother back? I thought you knew how much i hated seeing you two together? Well, your MINE now." He chuckled, gripping my throat, and squeezing it tightly, making me splutter.

My whole life flashed infront of me, memories of me and Markus together projecting in my mind, As i coughed and spluttered, fighting for air.

"Bye-Bye Princess. See you in hell." he laughed, releasing his grip amd disapearing into thin air.

He was dead, I saw it all happen.

The van, the gun, the blood.. I saw it all.

Was he a ghost?

Tears were streaming down my face, my whole body shaking as I sunk into the corner of the porch.

I heard laughing, chatting and giggling, and then 3 tall slim girls walk into the entrance.

"Elly?" Tia whispered, running over to me, "Oh my God, Elly, are you alright?" he fingers traced over the brusies and cuts on my cheeks and face.

I froze, not beimg able to speak or move.

I saw him again, dragging Maria ad Lilly off. I saw there mouths screaming, but sound was coming out, like he had silenced everything.

"T..TIA," I screamed, as I pointed. They all disapeared into thin air, like nothing was never there.

He was after me, i knew it.

I just knew it.

Tia looked around, to see no-one there, just an empty room. We both tried opening the doors leading to the restaurant, but it was still locked, Jordan would have done it.

"I'm calling the police, just, just wait here, I need to get service."

"Tia, No, he'll get you!" I cried, pulling at her wrists.

"Just stay here Elly."

"I'm so sorry Tia, i'm so so sorry." I whispered, pulling her into a hug. I blinked and saw him standing in the door way smirking, knowing what I was thinking.

No matter what I did, I knew he would get her, so I stayed silent.

"I love you Tia." I whispered, as she backed out smiling, dialing a number.

Jordan lifted his left hand to reveal a large sharp knife.

"TIA." I screamed, as she fell to the floor, blood pouring from the huge cut in the side of her neck.

"You're next princess." Jordan laughed, apearing and disapearing around the room, messing with my mind.

"STOP IT, PLEASE JUST STOP IT," I screamed, covering my head with my arms and falling to the ground.

I felt the knife stab into my sides, as he punched my head, smashing my body against the floor and wooden panelled walls.

Jordan dropped the knife at his feet as he fumbled around in the bag, looking for more tools to torture me with.

"SOMEONE HELP ME," I screamed, cluthing my side, blood pouring everywhere.

I couldnt take the pain anymore. I grabbed the knife and stabbed it into my stomach, slowly dragging it and twisting my insides. I just wanted to die.

I was screaming in pain, blood was everywhere, and my body was becomming weaker and weaker.

I saw Tia's body limp by the entrance, her arms out wide.

"Please, just kill me." I screamed, trying to stab the image of Jordan infront of me.

He was just a ghost, laughing at my attempts.

"I never knew you were this much of a fighter." He was holding a gun towards my head.

I screamed and crawled over to Tia, trying to hide behind her dead body.

I could hardly crawl, so running away now was an impossible task.

Holding Tia's hand,the gun was shot.


"An investigation is underway in the small italian restaurant in Manchester on Walton Road after 4 bodies were discovered at 9:47pm last night. The 4 girls who can not be named for legal reasons were found with individual injuries around the grounds of the restaurant, but all with the same marking on here backs. A letter 'J' . All security camers were covered up by what,we believe a supernatural being, and nobody inside the restaurant heard a thing. If anyone has any information, we beg for you to call 0144 667321, Thank you."

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