The Price of Forgiveness

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Part 1: Silver Clouds

Red Wolf Moon

The Flame in the Darkness

    Eliza was sitting with the Blue Lions engaged in a talk with Felix and Ingrid about sword wielding techniques when she felt a presence behind her. Her blue eyes shifted from friendly to the look she would give a foe, "Claude."

    "Eliza," Claude greeted nervously, "Could we talk privately?"

    The blonde frowned at his request and sighed, "I am afraid that I do have matters to attend to. I'm sure there are tasks that you would need to attend to as well."

    Eliza walked away from him towards her room when Lysithea met her, "Hey, let's go to town."

    "Sure," she smiled and they returned to the town.

    "Eliza," Lysithea spoke, "The Golden Deer found out what happened between you and Claude yesterday."

    "I see," Eliza did not have many words to say about the matter.

    "We're all super upset at Claude for what he did to you."

    Eliza frowned, "Please do not be upset at Claude for something that involves me. After all, what happened between him and I should not tarnish his relations with everyone else."

    "Eliza, you are our friend and classmate too," her friend protested, "We care about your well-being and want you back in the Golden Deer. You belong with us."

    Eliza gave her best friend a long look, "It's hard to want to return to Golden Deer with the devious Claude von Riegan at the helm."

    "Would you be able to think about it?" Lysithea requested.

    "For you, I can," Eliza smiled.

    She parted ways with the white haired girl and was approached by Byleth, "Professor, is there something you need?"

    "Would you be free for tea?"

    Eliza nodded her head, "Of course."

    Byleth had poured her an Alymran Pine Needle tea and she took a sip, "This is as good as I remember. What would you like to discuss?"

    "I would like to speak with you about how your time with the Blue Lions is going," Byleth said.

    "I am enjoying my time with them," Eliza admitted, "But I do miss the antics that come with the Golden Deer. After all, that was the original house I was assigned to. It has only been a day, but the difference is noticeable."

    Eliza's held sadness as she thought of her former classmates. Even though the Blue Lions were nice, they did not know the truth about her. While the Golden Deer had accepted it, how would the Blue Lions react. That, she did not know.

    Byleth sipped her tea, "I see. I must admit that while you only left for one day so far, I do miss teaching you."

    "You are an amazing professor," Eliza commended, "I will miss having your guidance everyday. I felt like I learned so much from you."

    "Would you ever consider returning to Golden Deer?" Byleth asked her.

    Eliza thought long before answering, "That all depends on what happens with Claude. I spoke with Lysithea and heard of what occurred in the aftermath of our falling out. It is still hard to think about his words and how he does not need me. But professor, I know he didn't mean any of them. His eyes did not convey the same emotional weight of his words and that is probably what hurts the most. He is doing this to protect me, but this is worst thing he could have done."

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