ignored and confrontation

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Days and weeks past, I haven't been to school, I haven't spoken to Henry, Charlotte or Jasper.

So today I was going back into school after not being for weeks.

My bruises were gone from my hip. They healed on the full moon.

So here I was walking up to the school doors

I sighed

"Here goes nothing." I said to myself and I pushed open the doors.

I saw Henry, Charlotte and Jasper and I walked past them ignoring them calling me.

I saw Mitch with his friends and walked over to them

"Hey Mitch." I said and he turned around

"Hey girl." He said

Now let me tell you something he knows my secret, he kinda found out.

One night he was in the woods and so was I and he saw me transform into my wolf. He was freaked out but calmed down once I told him everything so he promised me he will keep my secret and so we are friends now.

"Uh, decided quick run or stay." Mitch said

"Huh?" I asked confused

"Harts on his way over here." He said

The bell rang

"Sometimes I just love this bell." I said to him

We walked down the corridor past Henry and I looked at him then took my eyes off him and continued to walk

We walked down the corridor past Henry and I looked at him then took my eyes off him and continued to walk

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We headed towards our drama class and sadly Henry, Charlotte and Jasper was in there. Ugh.

"Everyone talk your seats please." Mr. Winkler said

Oh shit, I forgot I sit next to Henry

Oh well.

I sat down in my seat and then henry sat down next to me and looked at me I then slowly turn my head and looked at him silently.

I sat down in my seat and then henry sat down next to me and looked at me I then slowly turn my head and looked at him silently

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"Why haven't you been answering any of our messages?" Henry asked me

"Maybe because I didn't want to." I told him

"Oh so you do speak?" He asked me

"Of course I speak, what sort of a question is that?" I asked him with an attitude.

"Alright, alright." He said then rolled his eyes." Since when did you start hanging around with Mitch?" He asked

"Since when was that any of your business?" I asked him

"I'm just asking." He said

"Well don't, now stop speaking to me, I wanna get a good grade unlike you." I told him

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked

"Oh I think you know, you sneak off everytime we were together. You, Charlotte and Jasper make up dumb excuses to get out ever class when you watch beeps. And don't try lie because I know." I told him

"You know? What do you know?" He asked me wide eyed

"Oh come stop trying to be dumb it's written all over your face. I know what you do in your job, you don't just move Junk and stuff." I told him and then grabbed a piece of paper and wrote "You're Kid Danger." On it and then I slapped the paper down on the table in front of him and leant back in my chair.

He looked at the paper and went wide eyed even more.

"Yeah, Henry, I know. I knew since the day you lot started running off. Besides you don't do very well to keep it a secret." I told him.

The bell rang

"Oh you hear that, that's the bell, gotta go." I told him standing up.

I walked out the lesson and I saw my friends from my wolf pack

"Hey, guys." I said to them and they replied back with hi, hey, hello, sup.

"Oh, look at that the skanks back in school." I hear a familiar voice said and I groaned

I turned around and saw Henry, Charlotte and Jasper at their lockers and then I saw Bianca who Henry once dated

"What did you just call me?" I asked her

"I called you a skank, because you are a skank." She said

She's got my so angry.

Henry, Charlotte and Jasper has never seen me angry and now they will

I slowly walked forward

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" I asked her with an angry tone

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" I asked her with an angry tone

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One of my friends grabbed my shoulders and got me back

"What are you gonna do?" She asked

"You know you really shouldn't say that because everytime somebody does they get--" one of my friends said and then I cut him off by punching her in the nose and she was knocked out.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Our principal asked as he was walking to us

"Nothing." I said

"Then why is bianca on the ground?" He asked

"She tripped and fell." I said

The bell rang

I really love this bell

"The bell, let's all get to lessons." I said then walked off with my friends from the wolf pack.

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