The green eyed sighed, she should have went to sleep earlier. About sleep, what was she dreaming about again?

Oh yeah, she dreamed about her and the club members in a field full of flowers. Thinking back, she remembered everything, everyone had said in the dream, even Natsuki's lasts words. What could they possibly mean?

'Probably nothing important.' Monika thought, putting her uniform on. Then she grabbed her backpack and left to school.


Opening the clubroom's door, Monika as usual said her favorite lines.

"Hello everyone!" She smiled seeing her new friends look up from their books and giving her slight grins.

"MONIIIIIKA" Sayori cried out, pulling the club's president into a tight hug.


"S-Sayori.. I-I.. N-need.. air..." The green eyed breathed out.

"Oopsie haha!" The peach haired chuckled awkwardly, letting go of Monika. Though despite it, many could have guessed that Sayori would have liked to hug Monika a tiny bit longer. But not only Monika, this club's every member.

"So... uh.. You guys brought your poems?" The president glanced at the club members direction, after she'd done fixing her posture.

"Yup!" Sayori proudly said shoving the poem up in the air, so everyone could see it.

"Why yes I did" Natsuki mumbled, going down so she could get her poem out.

"Mhmmm" Yuri hummed quietly. She'd calmly put her book down and grabbed the poem, who was laying on the desk a few centimeters away.

Monika happily nodded and got her poem out, then without hesitation announced that they'll share their poems now and explained how. The club's president made sure that everyone understood everything and went to share her poem with Natsuki first.

"Hey, Natsuki!" She smiled, flopping next to the short girl. The emerald eyed got a 'Hmph!' in response to her presence. Sayori was right, Natsuki is a typical tsundere.

"Hi hi, let's just share poems already" She angrily mumbled. What a twig.

"Oh okay.." The atmosphere became really awkward, so the girls decided just to hand their poems and read them.

Natsuki's poem was called "Confusion".


Everybody knows what they are,
What their purposes are.

But there's this girl,
Her name is Confusion.

Confusion is a weird girl,
Unlike the others, many find her useless.

I also have Confusion,
She's always here,
Nagging me, hating me, confusing me,
About the strangest things.

Like my looks,
My body,
My mindset.

I can't get rid of her,
So I except my fate,
And wait till she leaves.

"Oh uhm, this is a pretty good poem, Natsuki!" Monika awkwardly smiled. She'd hoped that Natsuki didn't saw her as being mean, since it was quite clear that the small pink haired girl wasn't in a good mood today. Natsuki slowly nodded before answering.

"Uh.. yours was good too" She mumbled under her breath. Monika smiled before standing up fastly going to Sayori. Before doing so she waved Natsuki as a little goodbye. That did made Natsuki peer at her in slight confusion, but she just decided to go along with it and waved her back.

The president gave Natsuki one last cheery grin before grabbing a chair and pulling it next to Sayori's.

"Hey, Sayo! Wanna share poems?" Monika hoped in the seat that was next to the chubby girl.

"Yuppieee! I'd love to!!" She cutely beamed. Typical lovely Sayori.

"So mine is called 'Rain clouds', what about yours, Monika?" She asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

"It's 'Mist'!" The president answered, sliding the paper to Sayori, Sayori doing the same with her poem.

Rain clouds

Rainy clouds are my favorite,
I love sitting in my car,
Driving somewhere,
And watching the little water droplets go,
Plumt plumt plumt.

It's so relaxing,
So calming,
So fun.

But there's other rainy clouds,
They are always around me,
Never leaving,
Unnerving, annoying, saddening,
I don't like them.

They tend to come when I'm alone,
Their voices go,
In and out, in and out.

They make me feel sad, worthless,
It's so confusing,
So weird,
So usual.

When the rainy clouds come I fear the worst,
But I'm not alone,
With Sunny clouds by my side,
I'm safe,
I'm loved.

"Oh.. Sayori are you okay?" Monika asked after a pretty long silence.

"Yeah! Don't worry, but I think we have to worry about something else.." Said Sayori, pointing her finger at Yuri and Natsuki, who clearly been fighting for a few good minutes.

"Oh God!" The brunette yelped as she jumped and ran towards the angry girls.

"Girls, girls! What happened?" Natsuki turned her head to face Monika and spat.


"I DIDN'T SAY THAT!" Yuri blurted.

"OH YEAH? THEN WHAT W-" The tsundere got interrupted by the president.

"SHUT UP!!!" Dead silence. Everyone turned their heads to face Monika.

"First. Yuri, Natsuki stop acting like five years olds, I'm pretty sure you are more mature then that.
Second. If you guys gonna scream like that do it somewhere else, because with your loud arguing this club could get shut down.." Monika spoke calmly.

"But-" Natsuki started.

"No buts. Now what happened, explain it without yelling, please. Yuri go first." Sayori said.

"I-I just used th-the wr-wrong words, t-too express my emotions.. I-I'm truly sorry f-for that.." Yuri muttered, red from the embarrassment.

"Okay.. Natsuki?" Sayori slowly turned.

"Oh uhm..! I-I uh.. I suppose I overreacted..." Natsuki grumbled, crossing her arms in defeat.

"Well that was a bit of a roller-coaster huh? Thought let's just finish sharing poems since we don't have much time left!" Monika smiled dearly, seeing tge girls turn to her with smiling faces aswell.


A/n - Hey everyone it's the author. Sorry for not updating this in a while, depression has been going on me again.

Just wanted to say that this story isn't discontinued, just I'm going through a mental crisis right now...

Thank you for reading this pile of shit of a chapter and see ya later!

Love, the Author <3

Seeing All Of You Make My Heart Go Doki Doki! (MonikaxSayorixYurixNatsuki)Where stories live. Discover now