Chapter 28: You, Me, Her and Him

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The Italian restaurant they made a reservation to was great. Delicious, even!

Dani was in heaven when she ate her shrimp alfredo pasta. The creaminess of the sauce, the tender shrimp, the perfectly cooked noodles...

It was just a shame that she had to watch the actual couple act so cutesy in front of her. Donghyuck had offered some of his food to Sua, letting her try his different dish (as she gotten the same as Dani). And Sua being herself, asked if he could feed her. Donghyuck completely obliged, twisting his pasta and letting the older girl have a bite. Sua done the same, letting Donghyuck have a bite of her food too.

She and Renjun exchanged empathic glances. This wasn't anything they have ever seen before. Honestly, it felt like they were intruding in their moment.

Renjun stabbed a piece of chicken off his plate with his fork and held it up. "My dear Dani, would you like to try my dish?" He asked her, clearly teasing his best friend that sat across from him.

Dani was relieved that she at least had Renjun with her. "Why, I would love to!" She replied in an overly joyous tone. "You should totally have some of mine, Renjun-ah! It's so yummy."

"Yah..." Dani and Renjun chuckled at their friend's dismay while they went ahead and tried each other's food (getting it on their own forks).

While eating, Dani couldn't help but compare this 'date' to her first date with Yangyang. It was definitely different in style. So far, this felt much more romantic with the ambiance of the Italian restaurant, and this was only their first official stop. On top of that, she was surprised with a sunflower. Not that it meant much, since Renjun must've felt he had to as her 'date', but Dani did feel happy receiving it.

"Dani?" The younger lass picked her head up and glanced across at Donghyuck, who had called to her. "Are you feeling okay? You're blanking out."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine! Just thinking!" She sputtered before going back to finish her food. Dani could feel her cousin's stare on her as she ate.

How could she let herself think about that anyway? Movie dates are common! She shouldn't be comparing the two like that, they're different people after all!

The group of four finished the lunch and started making their way to Itaewon, where Donghyuck said they'll check out the Namsan Outdoor Botanical Garden. It did take the group a while to arrive, but the moment they got there, Dani was impressed. The array of flowers and trees that spread across the area was absolutely gorgeous.

"I have an idea," Sua piped up as they were crossing a bridge over a pond. Dani nearly missed what she said because she was so focused on the scenery. The older girl looped her arm with Donghyuck's, pulling the blushing boy even closer to her. "Shall we spend the next hour or so 2 and 2?"

"O-Oh, shall we?" Donghyuck mumbled out.

"C'mon, Donghyuckie, shouldn't we spend some time alone even for a bit?" Sua cooed at the younger boy. "We're the ones on the date."

"That's t-true," Donghyuck looked over at his two friends. "Would you guys be okay with that?"

Dani and Renjun were quick to usher them away. "You don't even need to tell us," the Chinese boy said, waving him off. "We'll go this way, alright?" Renjun then stepped closer to Donghyuck, whispering something in his ear.

Once done, he grabbed onto Dani's wrist, and they went down the left pathway of the forked road. When the two of them were far enough, Dani asked Renjun, "What did you tell him?"

She noticed him hesitate, but he replied, "Just told him he should do everything he can to keep the conversation going with noona. That guy needs all the help he can get."

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