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A/N: First chapter (YAYY)😻 there might be changes in the point of view, but i will write "3rd person pov" or something like this. Enjoy!!!

Its been two hours since me and my brother started our flight to Russia. We were both pilots, and we shared a plane. Usually, he was the one that drove the plane, I was just in the co-pilot seat.

- So... Where are we going exactly? - I asked him, because he never tells me anything about where we are flying.
- There is a small town near Kamchatka, we are delivering these boxes there - he said, pointing at the crates behind us.

The flight was silent, sometimes i broke the silence with small jokes or stupid questions. This kept on going for long, until...

Below us, I saw some people looking like hunters trying to shoot birds. We didn't expect to be accidentally hit. When we were first hit, there was no major damage, but when the second time, the engine was hit, we shook, and then started to fall.

- Can't there be a way to land safely? - I looked at my brother.
- But... Maybe there could be - A tear appeared in the corner of his eye.
- REALLY? What is it? - I asked with a slight hope in my voice. At this point, the back of the plane was missing.

After a moment of silence, he spoke:
- Catapult yourself - he said with seriousness.
- W-What? - I was surprised.
- Catapult yourself. You know how to do that, right? Mine doesn't work, but you can save yourself. I don't want you to die with me.

- WHAT?! No, I am not leaving you here! You die, I di - suddenly, he pulled the lever and i flew out of the plane without getting to finish my sentence. I looked at the falling, burning plane.

I realized that the parachute didn't open yet. What? Why doesn't this work?! I tried to open it, but didn't work. And then, I heard a loud crash and the smell of smoke hit my nose. I looked in the direction of the smell, and saw that it was the plane. It landed in a nearby forest. I was hoping that my brother survived, even tho the whole plane was in flames.

Meanwhile, I was still falling. The parachute didn't work, so i figured out that if i land with the seat, it will crush me into pieces. There was no other choice than to get out of the seat and jump with nothing.

I waited to be as close to the ground as possible, I unscrewed the belt and then kicked myself away from the seat.

A few moments later, the feeling of the cold snow hit my face. After i took a breath, I got up and started to walk to where i saw the plane landing.

It was cold, and i barely had any energy left. Everything happened too fast. My mind couldn't process it. These were my last tought before i blacked out.

3rd person POV
- Вы тоже это видели? (did you see that too?) - a Russian prison guard asked the other one next to him.
- Что? (what?) - he looked around.
- Посмотрите на небо. Вы видите это? Похоже на авиакатастрофу или что-то в этом роде (look at the sky. See that? Looks like a plane crash or something) - he pointed to the direction of a smoking object in the sky.
- О, я не мог видеть его из-за снега, но теперь я вижу. Должны ли мы сообщать об этом? (oh, I couldn't see it because of the snow, but now i see it. Should we report this?) - the other looked at him.
- Я пойду, буду следить за любой благоприятной деятельностью (i'll go, be on the lookout for any suspicous activity) - and with that, he ran off.


A few guards were sent out to where the plane crash happened to see if it was a criminal or not. They found the plane (which was not burning by the time they got there), and found a dead body.
- Кем бы это ни было, теперь он мертв (who ever he was, he's dead now) - a guard said.
- Смотрите! Место второго пилота отсутствует! (Look! The co-pilot seat is missing!) - another one shouted.
- Так что с ним был кто-то (so there was someone with him) - the guard looked at the direction where the co-pilot seat should be - Он, должно быть, катапультировался сам (he must have catapulted himself).

He sighed and said:
- Поищите в этом районе, чтобы узнать, сможем ли мы его найти! (Search the area to see if we can find him) - and with that, everyone left.

A/N: okay this one was kinda bad but istg the next chapter will be better🙌 also in the last part the Russian said "he" instead of "she" because they tought it was a man so i am sorry if it was confusing since its a " x female reader" story. Aloha!!!

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