Sandy held her tightly by her shoulder and they went out. Ram's eyes followed Priya's retreating figure until she was out of sight.
His feet sprinted towards the table and he took the bottle of medicine from which Krish made Priya have a pill.
Ram: Diazepam!
Ram's head felt heavy.
Ram: Krish! This is high dosage of Benzodiazepine. It is used for Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Priya! She had a panic attack. From when she's experiencing this?
Krish just looked at him. Didn't answer.
Ram: Damn it Krish. Answer me.
Krish: From when she was pregnant. She experienced 3-4 attacks during her pregnancy then after Pihu came it reduced. At that time low dosage would work but...
Ram's feet started shaking, he sat down on the couch. After sometime,
Ram: But?
Krish: About 6 months ago I got a call from Pihu in the middle of the night. She told me that Priya was sweating a lot, is not breathing properly. I asked Pihu to try the breath in breath out as it would take me some time to reach. I knew Priya wouldn't like it if I call the neighbors. So I instructed Pihu and she successfully did it! Brave girl. I reached in some hours as they were in Pune. Next day I took her to a Psychiatrist and after 2 sessions she was diagnosed with PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and Panic Disorder. The frequency of panic attacks increased as she started having nightmares about Shivina's death. It happened earlier also but panic attacks didn't happen. I think with time the disorders developed. Here's another thing, she experienced Postpartum Depression after Pihu's birth. Should I explain what is it to you?
Ram(with a blank voice): No.
Ram tears were continuously flowing from his eyes.
Ram: How did you know she was having a panic attack?
Krish: Her watch. It's in sync with my phone. It beeps whenever her blood pressure rises that's how I knew. I was downstairs waiting for her.
Ram just nodded.

Krish: She's just not okay. She's breathing only for Pihu. Her social, functional, professional life everything is getting worse day by day. She needs to move to different places frequently as people come to know that she was in jail. So to protect Pihu she moves. She can't get a high pay job as they do background check. She's struggling financially. And Priya being Priya! Won't take my help.
Ram: She didn't push Shivi.
Krish(firmly): Wow! Ram! What an intelligent guess! I'm feeling so happy after 5 years. After 5 years your brain started working! You know what! Pihu is smarter than you at this age. How did you guess it?
Ram: She told me everything in a breeze but stumbled whenever Shivi's name came out of her mouth. That's why I feel she didn't do it. She took the blame. Who did it then?
Krish: I can't tell you as I promised her. But you can find out yourself as it is not hard.
Ram looked at him blankly.
Ram: I? How?
Krish: I will tell you the basic process. You find out. Make a list of the suspects and rule out names. And find the answer.
Ram took a deep breath. He knew he had to do it. For Shivi, for Priya, for Pihu and for himself.
He took a pen and paper. And started writing names with pronouncing them
Ram: Akshay, Meera Sood, Sara Sood, Priya, Sandy. Okay I'm ruling out Priya as I know she didn't. Sandy no. Akshay? No no. Sara di? Meera Sood?
Krish laughed out loud.
Krish: Yes. It is easy to manipulate you. I can see that. Why she took the blame Ram?
Ram: She was protecting someone. But whom? Meera Sood?
Krish: She stopped talking to her, told her not to come even to meet her as she doesn't want to see her face that moment she came to know that she hid another evidence, the testimony and hid the truth from you. And you think she will take her blame if she did it? Grow up Ram!
Ram: Who? Who? Priya will not do it even if she loves the person. She will not forgive anyone for taking someone's life even if it's an accident. She didn't forgive Varun or MS.
Krish: Yes. You are on the right track.
Think Ram.
Ram: Varun MS. She didn't forgive them. Meera Sood, Priya didn't forgive her. Sara Sood! No Priya won't forgive her also.
Ek second! She will never forgive an adult but what if it's a child! Fuckkkkkkkkk! Ishaan!
He looked at Krish who just looked at him.
Ram: I know I'm right. Your face is saying it. Ishaan is very very impulsive, from the first time I met him. He was manipulating the whole family by acting like he was gonna jump of a building if they do not send him back to Delhi. And his relationship with Shivi was never a good one. They hated each other. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He did it! He pushed my Shivi! Accidentally ho but he did it. And Priya saw it. She knew if he goes to jail his life will be ruined so she decided to take the blame on herself. Why didn't I see it before?
Krish: Because you were blinded by hatred. You thought Priya cheated on you with me. You did trust her at first then wow! Nandini Kapoor she made her biggest move. And you hated Priya so much that it stopped you from thinkning straight. Priya can never kill a person not even accidentally.
Ram: Still it was not right to take his blame. Ishaan should get his punishment. And Priya hid the truth which is also a criminal offense.
Krish: And she endured her punishment for 2 years because she hid the truth. Don't you think she knows that! In this way she protected Ishaan and also took the punishment of her crime of hiding it.
Ram: Why didn't you tell me when you knew? I could have saved her and Pihu. Usse saza nahi milti.
Krish: First because she wanted to save Ishaan I was not okay with the idea but she made me promise as it'll finish his life. His life will finish anyway as he never got the punishment but that never got through her thick head. Secondly, she decided to take her punishment as she did a crime by hiding it. And as a person from Law and Order to be honest I wanted that for her. It's a grave mistake, an unforgivable one. And she knows that I will never forgive her for that. But that doesn't mean I don't love her or Pihu. She's my best friend and I know she will never hurt a fly. And you should stop your nonsense of I love Priya, Priya loves me in a romantic way. Are you dumb or what! Dikhta nahi tum he how much she loves you! She wanted you to live your life happily as she considers herself a curse of your life. She was made to believe that you'll never look at her the same way after Shivina's accidental death and you will hate your child also as she will make you remember Shivina every moment.
Ram: Mom! How? I still can't believe.
Krish: I don't expect you to believe. I hate you Ram as much as you hate me. And I hate your family because of them Priya and Pihu are suffering this much! They blackmailed a mother who's child was not even born and told her that the child will never have a parent. They were trying to risk both of their lives. Pathetic! Pathetic! Yes I hate you but I feel bad for you too. They had always manipulated you and you never had a suspicion. It is when Priya told me everything I tried solving it. You love your family more than anything or anyone did everything for them but I'm sorry to say they've used you for your goodness. Itna accha bhi nahi hona chahiye Ram! Priya ko bhi itna accha nahi hona chahiye! She should never have taken the blame on herself. And I'm really sorry to say that because of you both and your mistakes that little flower child is suffering. Wrong decisions after wrong decisions! I didn't want to interfere then as I was just an investigator but still I did a little bit and you threatened me for it. But now! I can't stop myself Priya is a dear one and Pihu! I love her beyond comprehension even if she's not mine. You both are epitome of crappy parents and a problematic couple! Yes I've said it to your face! I could never say it to Priya as I know she won't be able to handle it. Who doesn't come even once to see his wife while she's with a child! How could you believe her lie Ram! Your trust on her was like a thin glass about to break with just a lie. Who doesn't tell the father that he's a father now! She could've told you. You both could've decided something together. I told her multiple times she refused as she was beyond fearful for Pihu's safety, your reaction. But how can I make decisions for their life! I can't do that! And I was afraid that if I do something she'll cut me off too and her situation, Pihu and all I just couldn't do it Ram. I'm sorry. I know I did wrong I should've told you.

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