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hey, so this is a co-op story, we each picked a charter and a name we will be writing that characters point of view, so hello my name is sierra, I'll be writing the point of view of Aspen! My friend Hanna will be writing the point of view of Bailey. We will take turns doing chapters! So enjoy!

Get out of bed lazy brain." Someone said to me as a soft object was thrown at my head.
"Uhmf..." I simply replied with.
"Go uhmf yourself, get up and get dressed lazy brains." Bailey hit me again with a pillow.
"Hmmmm..." I say and stand up, my eyes still closed walking to the washroom. I looked in the mirror with a small gasp. My hair...I said and started to brush the monster on my head.
After I finished brushing I fixed up an outfit, sweat pants and a shaytards t-shirt. I put on my beanie and stepped out of the bathroom and went downstairs.

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