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(A/N i dont really like calling dream cLaY so the only time i will call dream ClAy is when someone in the story refers to him, this goes for everyone<3)

Dreams pov
"What the fuck is wrong with you, your an idiot you really got an F on every test" dreams "father" screamed dreams head hung low. Dreams "father" was a fat white guy who had a drinking and pills problem "he got" from dream mother who was really ever there but still there still together because otherwise dreams "father" wouldn't have a home, "you know what clay if you get another F im taking you out of football" dreams head shot up "yeah that hit you hard huh" dream "father" turned around for a sec, dream picked up an empty bottle gripped it and smashed it on the counter full of fast food trash and ran up to him- "DO YOU UNDERSTAND" dreams "fathers" yelling snapped dream out of his little trace "yes sir" "what was that" dreams "father" pushed him on the ground and gripped dreams chin "i understand sir" dreams "father" walked away and sat back down on the couch.

Dream got up and walked up the stairs sobbing hand covering his mouth, he opened his bedroom door ,his walls are navy blue and was covered in rock bands posters even on the back of his white door had one. Dream flopped on his unmade bed and screamed into one of his stained pillows picked up a cigarette, lighter that was under his pillow and picked up his broken phone and his sisters pink headphones and opened his window and looked out of it watching the trees flowing in the wind,people walking pass even a dog taking a piss on his "fathers" dark green ugly truck that smelt horrible, dream chuckles at it. dream didnt live in the best neighbour hood but it wasnt the worst you could have in the world alot of people at school even lives here like george hes in a few of my classes, brown haired boy short scrawny, he doesnt have like any friends but he is very smart..wait.. thats when he had the idea it was like a light blub flicked on above him, dream had a huge grin on his face, when george usually walked passed his house he was alone..But this time was different he had someone walking with him it was a boy a tall,buff,good looking guy he didnt look like anyone at our school he looked like he was in college!! George wouldnt date someone in college right? hes a sophomore! Or could he ? Ew.

Thats when george looked up at me like straight in the eyes, my eyes go wide, my soul left, george filps me off and then thats when the other boy looked at me he looked pissed thats when i put out my smoke and shut my window then my curtains get up still a bit shaken and go to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I open the bathroom door my sister was in the shower (theres a blue shower curtain that you cant see though btw) i brush my teeth then splash my face with warm water "AHH DORY" dream rolls his eyes and fixs his hair then walks out.

Dream walks down the stairs seeing dory eating McDonald's "dad got mcdonalds again you want some" "no"   his "father" is knocked out on the couch watching tv dream dragged him on the floor and grabbed the tv remote out of his hands and grabs the half empty bottle of beer sips it.

Georges pov
George walks out of his mums house with his big bother while he talks about some bullshit girl, Georges mum lives 2 street away from Georges dads house so its not that far to walk for george and his bother.

On his way there he sees his neighbors son looking out of his open windows with a cigarette george filps him off "what are you doing" george bother looks back "were you even listening to me,who is that, is that your boyfriend oh wait you have no friends hahah" he bursts out laughing, we're in our gate now my pitbull and her puppies runs up to me and pet all of them i knock on the door, once again his dads not home he lifts up the "fuck off" welcome mat up and grabs the key opens the door puts the back under the mat his bother behind him, george walks up the stairs to his room.

He walks in his untouched dirty room slams the door drops his bags and flops into unmade bed and just lays there looking at the ceiling, the smashed lamp the clothes on the floor, trash bags ripped open on the floor,the closed curtains,the posters hanging halfway off, the ripped up books on the floor ,the empty book shelf and his unused desk his eyes felt heavy untill his bother flings his door to the point georges body shot up "what!?" "Ew tf why is your room so gross" "dad did it why dont you ask him" george laying back down "nope nope clean this shit up im having a party and if anyone-" "sees this their gonna think your like me yes i know" george finishing off Gabriel's sentence "now your getting it hurry tf up" Gabriel slammed the door, george rolled his eyes and got up opened his white door walked down the stairs walked in the kitchen opened a cupboard grabbed a big black trash bag and walked back to his room.

He opened the curtain above his bed and then above his desk that looked into neighbors sons empty room then he picked up the ripped trash bags, the trash and all the ripped books and papers on the floor then threw the broken lamp in the bag too he tied the bag shut then threw it to the corner of the room by his door then picked up all the clothes that was probably on the floor for like 3 weeks and put them in his draws and then opened his bags from his mums place and put everything in there away on his book shelf ,draws and his desk and then hung back the posters then made his bed, he grabbed his bags and kicked them under his bed then grabbed the trash bag and walked outside, it was pretty dark he put the trash bag in the trash then ran inside it was really creepy out there.

He walked back up to his was room it finally clean george smiled then he heard something like a bird tapping on his window he ran to his bed window. Nothing then his desk window. Something .its the neighbors son george doesnt know much the only thing george knows about him is that hes my neighbors son i open my window "You live around here?" mystery boy said george looked around " obviously" he laughed "ok then why dont i see you around huh" he had blonde ruffed up hair,his eyes looked like someone whos been drinking "divorced parents" his head laid down on the rim of the window looking at george "you dont look like a kid that has divorced parents" george was taken it back "what does that mean" he got up "it means your hot" he closed the window and laid down on his bed George was confused on what just happened.

George ran down stairs pushing pass people and went outside and went on his knees and started picking up stones his pitbulls was asleep in their cages so they couldn't bite as anyone at the party. he ran back inside pushing pass people again and went back into his room opened his window and threw some stones at mystery boys window one at a time. It didnt work he was fully out George rolled his eyes closed the window,locked the door and put the extra stones by his bed side table and went to bed.


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