Mr Bergstron # 1

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Authors note... I honestly am disappointed that there are no stories for this one-time Simpsons character. "Lisa's Substitute" is one of my favourite Simpsons episodes though it's still make me tear up. I remember the first time I saw this episode and remembered being with Lisa for having a crush on him.. enjoy, no harshness, good vibes only!

I jolted out of my peace filled slumber thanks to my alarm clock. I groaned as I got out of bed to turn of the blaring noise. I walk to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.
It was early Monday morning, it was also my first day of my new job at Springfield elementary. I was gonna be the new secretary working with Princpal skinner; making sure all the important documents are in the right order, request supplies, basically helping keeping the school flow smoothly.

After I finished my breakfast, I cleaned up after myself, jumped in the shower. Once I got out, I put on the clothes that I set out the night before, then I styled my hair ( whatever you want for both) put on some light makeup ,( or not, however you wanna go at it) afterwards I checked the time on my watch, it read; 8:30am. I had to leave now cause school started at 9 and the teachers and staff had to be at least fifteen minutes earlier.

I grabbed my purse, my document folder required for my new job as well as the keys for my apartment, mailbox, and my car. I walked out my home and locked the door behind me.

...Time skip...

It was 9:10am and the kids and teachers were in there respected classes for most yet another day of learning and teaching as well as another Monday. Though for me it kinda felt like Monday which it was, I was eager to get to work and excited to officially begin my career as the Administrative Assistant of Springfield elementary. I was familiar with the duties and responsibilities associated with this job, thanks to my training and me learning how the school was operated on a daily basis.

" Excuse me Ms.————, are you busy at the moment m?" Princpal skinner asks me over the admin intercom. "No I'm not, I will be in in a second." I reply back in the intercom then I stand up from my desk, set down my paperwork and walk into the Principal's office. " Would you be able to deliver the attendance sheets for the week to the second grade? Ms. Hoover the original teacher for that class is taking sick time. Lime disease." Princpal Skinner asks me. " Oh no, I hope she gets over it." I reply in shock. "I can take them down to second grade." "Thank, just to warn you, the substitute teacher in her place may be a little unorthodox." He says as he places the pieces of attendance sheets in my hands. " umm, ok" I say with uncertainty in my voice

I walk down the hallway trying to remember where the second grade classroom is. I remember that Lisa Simpson is in the second grade. Her family lives on the same street as my parents. In fact they only lived two houses away from my parents.

I finally reach the required classroom where I had to be , I knocked on the door and after I heard a faint " come on in", I walked in the classroom.
" Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt but I just needed to drop of this weeks attendance papers for this classroom" I say. I looked up from the papers I had in my hand to notice the substitute teacher was looking at me with a gentle smile. I noticed that he had black curly hair, he had sparkling eyes and I saw that he wore a cowboy outfit. He was rather good looking I will admit to myself and he looked like he had a kind well -mannered personality. " why thank you very much, you can just set them down on the desk." He had a very calming voice. I snapped out of my little trance and set the papers on the desk. "Again I'm so sorry to interrupt". I walk back to the door where I didn't realized I backed into against my arm.I heard him chuckle, 'great, way to make a fool of myself In front of him and the kids . I mentally composed " it's absolutely alright ms." He said to me still smiling. I can't help but smile just a little bit as well. I close the door behind me, then I exhale not knowing I was holding my breath. I walked back to my desk returning to my work. 'I think I would like to get to know him as friends of course. I have to focus on my new rising career.' I scolded myself.

Time skip.....

I was sitting in the teachers lounge having my lunch as it was lunchtime for the students and everyone else. I was just enjoying the peace and quiet , time to myself until I sensed someone take a seat at one of the chairs beside me . I look over and notice it's the same substitute teacher I saw earlier today when I delivered the attendance papers. I saw that he had another warm smile on his face. He must have worn it daily like us women wear makeup.For some reason it made my heart flutter, though I tried to ignore it. " Im sorry to bother you, but I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Peter Bergstrom." ( I made up the idea for the first name ) " it's very nice to meet you, my name is————" I smiled myself as a told him my name. "The name is well suited for you." He softly said. I blushed. " how long have you been here at this school?" He asked me trying to start a conversation. "Todays my first day actually, I've recently got a job here as the schools sectary, helping the school function. What about you?" " that's fantastic seems like a wonderful opportunity. I've wanted to be a teacher my entire life. But so far I've been going from school to school showing up wherever needed." I noticed a glimmer in his eyes has he talked. 'Oh, he had dreams and goals, is he trying to repel me cause it's not working' I thought to myself.
" that's great. I do hope you get to stay here at the school for as long as possible. You seem like an interesting person. I wanna be able to talk to you often and get to know you if that's what you want." I spoke ;not realizing what I said till after. " I hope so to, you seem like an interesting young lady with whom I'd like to spend more time with." He smiled at me yet again. Once again I blushed and my heart fluttered at his words. "Well, uh thanks I would like to know you better too, if you have any concerns , you let me know." I offered with a sincere tone. "Everything will be alright." He replied to me.

It has been a wonderful first day of work at Springfield Elementary school where I am becoming familiar with the job to which I have. I also made a few new friends.

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