Chapter Two

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"Emma Lynné Sullivan. Both parents are missing persons."

"How do you think she survived on her own like that?" I asked, watching the young child through the two-way glass. That poor little thing was traumatized and spent most of her time sitting in the corner of the room she was put in so we could monitor her.

Sydney who was an alchemist and a good friend sighed tiredly and said, "Someone had to be helping her."

"Interesting. I noticed that the windows were all boarded up and she was screaming like a maniac when we took her out of the chapel."

"So you think someone knew about strigoi?"

"Likely. I can't think of another reason why a child would lock herself up in a church like that unless someone told her that was her safezone."

Sydney and I shared a look with each other after throwing in all the possibilities that we could think of.

"Have you gone in to talk to her?" Sydney asked, jerking her head towards the little girl.

I scoffed and showed her the little teeth print Emma gifted me the first time we met. She was a menace.

"Feisty, huh?" The mischievous look in her eyes had me rolling my eyes.

"You bet."

"Like someone I know. Perhaps you're the best person to talk to her."

I gave her an incredulous look. "You're kidding me, right? She literally attacked me!" I was not going to give Emma an open invitation to bestow me with her childish biting.

Sydney placed her hands on her hips and insisted, "She already knows you, Rose."

"As someone she bit! Yeah, I should go in and ask her if I tasted like Christmas ham yesterday."

"I'm a mother to two children," she imparted, and my eyes dropped to her bulging stomach, "Okay, three children. Just go easy and put some distance. She is still a child. She will warm up to you eventually."

"Need I remind you again that she bit me?"

"It was for self-defense!" She grounded and gave me her oddly familiar look—the kind of look mothers would give to their children when they were disobedient.

I closed my eyes and groaned, "Children aren't my thing."

"That's because you haven't learned how to handle them. Once you do, it becomes less stressful and more rewarding."

"Spoken like a true mother."

I clapped my hands together and shook my head at her. She laughed, her eyes bright and twinkling, as she placed her hand on her stomach and lower back. It was fascinating to watch Sydney go through her two pregnancies. Although, she seemed more laid back the second time.

"Fine, I'll talk to her. I just need some prep time," I expressed seriously.

"Well, if you ever need some prep talk, let me know. I do that to my two kids back at home nearly every morning because they don't want to go to school."

"Thanks, mom. You can go now," I teased, "Adrian's gonna murder me if I keep you here any longer."

She scowled and came to my defense. "He can't say anything because it was my choice to help when I caught wind of what was going on. Plus, I get to see my friends too. But if he does say anything, feel free to put him in his place. You have my permission."

"Signed and stamped, woman."

I walked Sydney to the door when we came face-to-face with Eddie. His eyes widened for a brief moment when he noticed Sydney. The two shared a few quick words and talked about having Jill come over to visit after her due date. I would bet my soul that she just wanted an extra pair of hands to help her kids when she would be busy with the new baby.

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